Ubuntu-Chicago Ubuntu Member List

Rich Johnson nixternal at ubuntu.com
Wed Aug 9 08:10:16 BST 2006

Hey everyone!

http://chi.ubuntu-us.org has a section "Chicago Members"

I am trying to make this section nice and neat, and started playing around 
with it tonight. What I think would look cool is like a professional version, 
where is lists a small blurb about us, and has either a professional looking 
black and white headshot, or the typical geek hackergotchi, like what is on 
my launchpad page.

Anyone have any ideas on how to go about doing this?  How it should look?  If 
it is decent the way it is?

I can hack it to do whatever or look however we want it to. I might use tables 
as well to make it look cleaner.

Please, everyone pitch in some feedback on this one. Once we get this laid out 
to our liking, then what I will need, actually I can use it now, maybe start 
a thread and submit the information you would like posted. What it would need 
at a minimum is:
* A couple of sentences, or a paragraph about you.
* What you want with Ubuntu, FLOSS, your OpenSource geekdom
* Contact information - I have most of this as it is

Thanks everyone!
Richard Johnson ~ nixternal at ubuntu.com
ubuntu.com <> kubuntu.com <> edubuntu.com <> xubuntu.com
chi.ubuntu-us.com <> buntudot.org
online everywhere as nixternal
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