Following update, translation coverage still patchy

Owen Llywelyn owen.llywelyn at
Sun Feb 28 17:42:35 UTC 2016

"I'm sure, given the recent discussions, Breton and Welsh would appreciate
if you could file a bug go get those packs building too?2

Thanks Michael - yes we would.

2016-02-27 13:58 GMT+00:00 Michael Bauer <fios at>:

> Hi Victor,
> Thanks for that. Could you send the link so I can put myself on the cc?
> Also, by changing the locale code on
> to br cy (locales which should have made to cutoff according to
> it would seem that
> building of langpacks for these two locales was never triggered.
> I'm sure, given the recent discussions, Breton and Welsh would appreciate
> if you could file a bug go get those packs building too?
> Cheers
> Michael
> Sgrìobh Víctor R. Ruiz na leanas 27/02/2016 aig 13:21:
>   Hi:
> On Sat, Feb 27, 2016 at 12:41 PM, Michael Bauer <fios at> <fios at> wrote:
> Does this mean translations take more than what, 5 months to filter through
> to devices not running some form of nightly build?
>   Thanks for pointing this out. For some reason, the language pack for
> Gaelic is quite old. I am opening a bug report.
> ii  language-pack-touch-fr
> 1:15.04+20160120                                      all
> Ubuntu Touch translations for language French
> ii  language-pack-touch-gd
> 14.10+20140610.3                                      all
> Ubuntu Touch translations for language Gaelic; Scottish Gaelic
>   Greetings,
> --
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