[ubuntu-studio-users] Problem installing lightworks from .deb, changing primary display has no effect

John Moriarty jlmoriart at gmail.com
Fri Jul 12 04:54:24 UTC 2019

> Hi all,
> I'm having some trouble with a freshly installed Ubuntu Studio 19.04. When
> I click the .deb file downloaded from the lightworks website
> <https://www.lwks.com/>,  it opens in "Software". When I click the
> install button, I see the progress bar show up and start at 0% when the
> Authentication window pops up. When I enter my password and confirm, the
> progress bar just disappears and the "Install" button shows up again, and
> the program has not been installed. This is not a problem for other .deb
> files.
> Any idea why this would be the case, or how to work around it simply? This
> wasn't a problem on 18.04.
> Two issues:
> 1) Lightworks only supports installation on LTS releases (aka 18.04 with
> the Backports
> <https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/BackportsPPA>).
> 2) Ubuntu Studio (and Ubuntu in general) does not support installation
> from outside the official repositories, so please do not expect support for
> that here. Please seek support from Lightworks, but as I mentioned, they
> only support installation on LTS releases.

Thanks for the heads up. Just out of curiosity, where did you see that
Lightworks only supports installation on LTS releases? I can't seem to find
where that's stated, but it's probably right in front of my face.

> Also, when I change my primary display, nothing changes. The top bar along
> with the whisker menu, time, and icons stay where they are. Is that not
> what the primary display is supposed to change?
> Might be an issue with Xfce. Not the first time I've heard of this
> happening, but I don't have any problems when going multi-display on my
> end, and have no issues setting my primary display.
> [snip]
> PS. Are people aware that on this page
> <https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-studio-users> the
> http://community.ubuntu.com/contribute/support/mailinglists/ link is
> broken?
> I wasn't, but I don't pay any attention there. I'll let the powers-that-be
> know there's an issue.

Thank you, I appreciate it.

> Also, how are people supposed to make use of the archives here
> <https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-studio-users/> to make sure a
> question hasn't already been asked? Are you supposed to download the whole
> archive and search it on your own machine??
> It is well known that the archives are not searchable, which is one of the
> reasons askubuntu.com exists. In fact, askubuntu.com is the FIRST place
> one should go for support anymore. It's searchable and answers can be
> updated far into the future, making it much more future-proof than mailing
> lists, which are very much an outdated method of receiving support. The
> Ubuntu community (and Canonical) are pushing to make it the primary method
> of support.
> I hope this helps. Perhaps someone else has insight to the lightworks
> issue. However, I have to, from an official Ubuntu (and Ubuntu Studio)
> standpoint, say the lightworks issue receives no support here.

You've been very reasonable, thank you. I think I'll just go back to 18.04,
and take any issues I have to askubuntu.com.

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