[Fwd: Call for translating xubuntu documentation]
acotte at videotron.ca
acotte at videotron.ca
Lun 15 Mai 21:39:11 BST 2006
Bonjour Fabian et les autres,
L'idée d'y aller est bonne mais je suis un peu intimidé par la procédure. Y a-t-il un tutoriel sur la facon de procéder quelque part.
Je me demande, entre autres, comment je sais que ce que je suis en train de traduire, ne l'est pas par un autre au même moment.
Je dis cela mais j'avoue ne pas encore avoir pris le temps de visiter le lien que tu suggères.
Xubuntu, c'est le nouvel Ubuntu léger ?
André Cotte
----- Message d'origine -----
De: Fabian Rodriguez <mailinglists at fabianrodriguez.com>
Date: Dimanche, Mai 14, 2006 10:42 pm
Objet: [Fwd: Call for translating xubuntu documentation]
À: ubuntu-quebec at lists.ubuntu.com
> Salut,
> Voici une invitation pour ceux qui voudraient participer à la
> traductionde la doc Xubuntu.
> On y va ? :)
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Call for translating xubuntu documentation
> Date: Sun, 14 May 2006 23:13:51 +0100
> From: Matthew East
> Reply-To: mdke at ubuntu.com, Xubuntu Development Discussion
> To: ubuntu-translators at lists.ubuntu.com, rosetta-
> users at lists.ubuntu.comCC: ubuntu-doc at lists.ubuntu.com, xubuntu-
> devel at lists.ubuntu.com
> Hi all,
> It's quite late on in the release cycle, but the documentation for
> xubuntu (the desktop guide) is now translatable from Rosetta.
> Just do your best to translate some of it. Although the freeze
> for the
> release is this week, we will try and include some updated
> translationsafter the release.
> https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/dapper/+source/xubuntu-
> docs/+translations
> Just a reminder: don't forget the Ubuntu and Kubuntu
> documentation here:
> https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/dapper/+source/ubuntu-
> docs/+translationshttps://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/dapper/+source/kubuntu-docs/+translations
> All of the documentation requires that the preface.pot template in
> ubuntu-docs is translated. And if you want a localised website on
> http://help.ubuntu.com/6.06 you need to translate the website-index
> template in ubuntu-docs.
> PLEASE remember that all tags (for example )
> must be
> left IDENTICAL, otherwise I have to spend hours fixing broken
> translations. That includes things like
> linkend="add-applications"/> - just leave them exactly the same.
> (If you
> have time, please go back and fix the strings where you may have
> forgotten this rule, it will save me lots of time!)
> Thanks,
> Matt
> -- mdke at ubuntu.com gnupg pub 1024D/0E6B06FF
> --
> Fabián Rodríguez
> Conseiller principal, Technologies libres et sécurité des TI
> http://www.fabianrodriguez.com
> 514-812-5615
> --
> Ubuntu-quebec mailing list
> Ubuntu-quebec at lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-quebec
André Cotte
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