(sans objet)
Mazen Ghattas
Mazenghattas at hotmail.com
Mar 23 Mai 02:33:36 BST 2006
I downloaded Ubuntu 5.10 from the main website (www.ubuntu.com
<http://www.ubuntu.com/> ) but is isn't working properly , I tried the live
and install version but both have something wrong in the .iso image.
And I live in Montreal so I thought I'd contact the nearest community and if
u guys can help me solve that by sending me a CD version or DVD or any help
would be appreciated.
I really look forward to working with open source software and I'm
relatively new to it.
So if this you're not the right people to contact regarding this I'd like
you to give me another way to solve my prolem.
Thank you in advance
Mazen Ghattas
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