Shell policy approved

Juha Siltala juha at
Mon Jan 31 15:51:57 UTC 2011

Hi LjL,

On Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 14:00, Lorenzo J. Lucchini <ljlbox at>wrote:

> I don't understand why there doesn't seem to be any reference to IdentD. I
> know that it's considered by many the most useless service ever; however,
> given a measure of trust for the given shell host (which can without a
> doubt
> be ascertained with the help of the shell policy), Ident guarantees that a
> given user is that user, and can be banned individually - and that, I
> believe, is the primary goal with multi-user hosts, just like web host
> (Freenode's webchat) for instance.
> I'm not too familiar with identd, since I have not been running one
consciously and disabled mine when i found out that I was running it by
accident on some system. The reason is quoted by you above, ident being
considered useless. :)

How would you like to include a passage of ident discussion in the document?
Should we require/recommend identd in (IRC) shell hosts' toolbox? Should a
working and valid ident service be a sufficient measure in order for a
provider to fulfill compliance with our requirements?

Who would like to draft such a section for the document, and explain to me
what it means? :)

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