[ubuntu-in] My progress on CM Kubuntu distro...

Aniruddha Shankar karim at sarai.net
Thu Nov 2 17:19:44 GMT 2006

Am glad to report quite a good degree of success with the CM Kubuntu Distro. For
the first time, we now have a CD which you can pop into the computer and start
working easily in Hindi without knowing or memorising a complicated keymap.
Inshallah, will be demoing it at next Monday Meeting in Sarai at 11:00AM, if
anyone wants to check it out. If anyone has a desktop or laptop that they want
to try installing / demoing this on, please bring it (and tell me beforehand)
and let's see how it goes. If you know about bash, please take a look at the
NEEDHELP and help me out.

Original announcement at


Method documented at http://wiki.oss-watch.ac.uk/UbuntuEdgy/Remaster

Aniruddha Shankar

	ChangeLog for the cm kubuntu install cd

2006-10-31 Aniruddha Shankar <hoipolloi at gmail.com>

alpha6 (2006-11-02) 22:40
* moved easy phonetic hindi keyboard (bolnagari) links to Desktop - WORKS
* fixed openoffice symlinks so menus should work - WORKS
* identified issue with flash plugin, reinstalled flash plugin 9 beta -
SHOULDWORK, will check on next alpha.
* created menu link/icon for xbill - NOTWORKING :(
* new apps: 	gkrellm WORKS
		tleds WORKS
* Removed fancy graphics boot (earlier versions just showed a blank screen on
booting) and silent boot. FXD as usual.
* Verified that filenames can include Hindi characters (fix for Ubuntu Bug #634700)

- - - - - - -
	* console, by default, is in hindi mode with no way to switch it to english
mode. TODO & NEEDHELP: .bashrc / .bash_profile should switch to en_US mode if it
is invoked as a console (export LANG=en_US if bash is invoked on a console)

	* flash sites will not work if the desktop is running in 16 bit depth AND the
composite extension is enabled. This is a known Ubuntu bug, Bug #66873.
	Workaround for flash
	switch to console, using control+alt+f1
	shut down the gui by doing sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop
	reconfigure the gui by doing sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and choose 24 bit
	depth riiiight at the end.
	start up the gui again by doing sudo /etc/init.d/xdm start
alpha5 (2006-11-02)

* HINDI typing PROBLEM in Openoffice.org FIXED!!! Now using unofficial
openoffice build m191. Thanks Karunakar & Pavel Janik
* removed acrobat-plugins, allowing much slimmer CD. Should we have acrobat
reader at all when so many FLOSS readers are there that work fine for most
* authored Changelog
* recalculated md5sums (omitted in alpha4)
* flash sites crash firefox
* no Kubuntu menus for openofice
* hindi keyboard and english keyboard not on desktop

alpha4 (2006-11-02)
new version of openoffice.org (too big to fit on CD)
* (build 680 milestone 191) m190 was reported by karunakar to work properly with
* icon for bolnagari english and hindi on the default home directory

alpha3 (2006-10-31) 23:30
realised that filesystem.squashfs was placed incorrectly (incorrect wiki
documentation!!!)  booted up successfully for the first time. Danced the funky

bugs include
* openoffice.org allows only the first hindi character, or ones	preceded by spaces.
* flash plugin 9 beta does not work, crashes firefox.

alpha2 (2006-10-31) 22:00
second attempt, without preseed info in isolinux.cfg, also miserable failure
(see reason for alpha1)

alpha1 (2006-10-31) 21:00
first attempt, miserable failure because of incorrectly placed

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