[ubuntu-in] Customizing Kubuntu - karya pragati pe hai

Aniruddha Shankar karim at sarai.net
Thu Nov 2 07:26:25 GMT 2006

Hash: SHA1

Onkar Shinde wrote:
> On 10/31/06, Aniruddha Shankar <karim at sarai.net> wrote:
> <snip>
>> 5. flashplayer 9 beta
>> 7. acrobat reader, it's plugins and mozilla acrobat reader plugin
>> 8. all multimedia codecs (incl. w32codecs)
> </snip>
> Have you verified that licenses of these programs allow you to
> distribute them on CD?

Of course they don't. This cd is completely "illegal". It's also bloody useful.
Also, bear in mind that EULAs for stuff like codecs and freely downloadable
players have never been legally upheld in India. I'm not distributing it on the
net. I'm going to use it for computers I admin. And if anyone wants a copy,
they're welcome to come get one from me.

>> 9. dvd read support (including decss3)
> Where is this available?

from the plf repository

>> 13. ms truetype core fonts (verdana, times new roman etc.)
> Same license question again.

as far as license for the msttcorefonts go, they allow redistribution of the
original exes. if they are distributed along with a script that unpacks and
installs the resultant ttfs then it's, IMO (and IAAL) legal. again, fonts have
never been ruled to be a valid subject for distribution restriction under indian

sorry, mailserver was down, riots were happening in delhi, so couldn't reply

aniruddha shankar
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