[ubuntu-hardened] SELinux Troubles

yossi ozani yossiozani at gmail.com
Sat Nov 22 10:12:26 GMT 2008

Hi Jonathan.

Check if the file /proc/cmdline has "selinux=1" if not add this to the file
and then reboot(This add notify the kernel to activate  selinux).

BTW: You can use the command 'sestatus' to know the full status of SeLinux
on your system

On Sat, Nov 22, 2008 at 2:24 AM, Jonathan Marsden <jmarsden at fastmail.fm>wrote:

> Aaron Toponce wrote:
> > I would like to install SELinux on my systems, however, 'apt-get install
> > selinux' seems to install an 'selinux-policy-dummy' package that doesn't
> > actually install a working policy. Installing 'selinux-policy-default'
> > seems to be what I'm after, but it conflicts with the 'selinux' package,
> > and as such, removes everything I would think I want for a working
> > SELinux installation.
> You don't mention what distribution of Ubuntu this is for, which is a
> bit unfortunate.  Under Intrepid, installing the package selinux-basics
> (via sudo apt-get install selinux-basics ) should work.  It's Depends:
> and Recommends: lines are:
> Depends: checkpolicy, policycoreutils, selinux-utils, python
> Recommends: setools, selinux-policy-refpolicy-targeted |
> selinux-policy-refpolicy-strict | selinux-policy-default
> So this pulls in selinux-policy-default (because the other two
> -refpolicy- ones do not seem to be in the repository) automatically...
> selinux-basics also includes a script called check-selinux-installation
> which runs various tests to check on your selinux setup... sounds worth
> a try in your circumstances.
> Perhaps you are using an older Ubuntu, and this issue has been fixed in
> the current version?
> Jonathan
> --
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