Bell, tv on line

raymond house raymondh40 at
Tue Apr 26 18:22:59 UTC 2011

Wow, James, thank you very much for all your help, I will certainly look
into it.

2011/4/26 James <james2432 at>

> The tl;dr version of my chat with bell: it uses silverlight.
> You will have to install moonlight(linux version of silverlight)
> Also was talked to 3 different people before I could get the answer
> Chat Transcript
> info: A chat representative will be with you in about 0 minute(s). Thank
> you for waiting.
> info: Chat representative Kristine N has joined the session and is ready
> to help.    To start, please provide your name and home phone number.
> Kristine N: Hello and welcome to Bell TV's chat service.  How may I help
> you today?
> James: Hi, my friend told me about your service to have online video on
> the internet, I had a question about this service...
> James: What technology does it use to provide the video? flash?
> silverlight? direct video stream?
> Kristine N: Let me find the information for you.
> James: Thank you
> James: My friend is having trouble playing the video on linux and I was
> trying to troubleshoot why he can play it on windows and not on linux. This
> information will be useful.
> Kristine N: Thank you so much for patiently waiting on the line James.
> James: Not a problem
> Kristine N: Now I do have the clear view of your question however I do not
> have any information about that. It will be much helpful if I will connect
> you to one of our support from the Bell Internet.
> James: Okay.
> info: Please wait. We are transferring you to the specialist  best suited
> to help you.
> info: Chat representative Betsy has joined the session and is ready to
> help.    To start, please provide your name and home phone number.
> James: Good day.
> Betsy: Hello, thanks for visiting How can I help you today?
> James: You: Hi, my friend told me about your service to have online video
> on the internet, I had a question about this service... You: What technology
> does it use to provide the video? flash? silverlight? direct video stream?
> Betsy: May I know which services you currently have with Bell?
> James: I personally have none, I'm trying to troubleshoot one of your
> customers that is subscribed to the bell tv online.
> Betsy: May I know your province?
> James: Quebec
> Betsy: I understand you have a request about a current product or service.
> Betsy: Let me provide you with the best solutions. Since I'm a sales
> agent, I'm going to ask that you directly contact an agent who specializes
> in billing and account management. Would you mind waiting while I give you
> the best options to do so?
> James: ok
> Betsy: Thank you, kindly stay online while I transfer this chat to our
> support queue, would request your patience if the chat remains in the queue
> for a few minutes in case the support reps are busy helping other customers.
> We thank you for your patience.
> info: Please wait. We are transferring you to the specialist  best suited
> to help you.
> info: Chat representative Ryan C has joined the session and is ready to
> help.    To start, please provide your name and home phone number.
> James: Good day.
> Ryan C: Hello James, thank you for choosing Bell TV's chat service. How
> may I help you today?
> James: You: Hi, my friend told me about your service to have online video
> on the internet, I had a question about this service... You: What technology
> does it use to provide the video? flash? silverlight? direct video stream?
> Ryan C: Yes, we do provide video through website. This is via
> silverlight.
> James: Okay thank you for the information!
> James: Have a nice day
> Ryan C: Would you like me to share you a link for more information?
> James: Sure
> Ryan C: Thank you! One moment please.
> Ryan C: Bell TV online<>
> James: Thank you
> Ryan C: Your most welcome James.
> info: We will send the transcript to james2432 at at the end of
> your chat.
> Ryan C: Is there anything else I can help you with today?
> James: No, thank you, you've been helpful
> Ryan C: It has been a pleasure helping you out today.  Thank-you for
> choosing Bell and using for your self-serve solutions.  Have
> yourself a great day!
> 2011/4/26 James <james2432 at>
>> if  you go on windows and right click on the stream you should see what
>> type of video it is, if it's flash it will mention something about adobe if
>> its windows media player options it's a normal stream(see installing
>> gstreamer packages) if it's silverlight it will mention something about
>> silverlight in the properties
>> Also IE? Really? o_O
>> On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 10:19 AM, raymond house <raymondh40 at>wrote:
>>> Thanks, Eric, James and Russell for your inputs. Russell, it worked when
>>> she was using Windows with internet explorer, she now has ubuntu 10.10 in
>>> the machine and is using Firefox.I have to check about Flash player. Thanks
>>> On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 9:58 AM, Russell McOrmond <
>>> russellmcormond at> wrote:
>>>> On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 6:10 AM, raymond house <raymondh40 at>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> > Hi everyone, my daughter registered with Bell at http:// tv on
>>>> > and could watch movies from her laptop when she was using windows but
>>>> it no
>>>> > longer works with Ubuntu. Has anyone got an idea what has to be done
>>>> to
>>>> > correct this?  Thanks
>>>>   When you say "no longer works", do you mean it worked on Ubuntu in
>>>> the past, but doesn't now?
>>>>  I'm not a Bell customer so don't know the details of the service,
>>>> but think that clarity on this question might help.  Do you access it
>>>> from any other non-Windows computer currently, and with which browser?
>>>> BTW: I went to   and clicked on a random link
>>>> and was sent to the viewer which uses Flash.  Is it possible
>>>> you haven't installed the Flash player on the machine?   I've used the
>>>> player to watch a number of shows (same player as used by
>>>> -- and some shows I often catch-up on from my Ubutu
>>>> desktop).
>>>> --
>>>> Russell McOrmond, Internet Consultant: <>
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