Vodafone Australia

Anthony J Brow tbrow at tpg.com.au
Mon Oct 1 22:39:38 BST 2007

Hi Folks,

Thank you all for your replies and support and advice and that was
really nice.  If anything, I will take the advice to change my mobile
phone supplier.
I have reported this problem to one of the VF managers (or his
spokesman) and the guy had no idea at all about Ubuntu Linux.
I had to tell him about ten times what happened before he understood and
made a report. I warned him that I would
put this 'sign-in problem' on the Ubuntu-list.

I would like some advice about the use of the fone and fone card. Can
this be used with another fone company.
or do I have to buy a complete new fone? ( you can see that I don't use
my mobile phone that much). And which of the fone companies allow access
to customers accounts using Ubuntu 
(Dapper in my case)?

I am wondering too, if 'Canonical' in the UK would be aware of this
stupidity with Vodafone and if they would be
willing/able to have a word in their ear?

thank you all again

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