Java and Firefox 3.6
pwhite at
Mon Mar 22 18:03:24 UTC 2010
Le Sunday 21 March 2010 21.41:20 Kaj Haulrich, vous avez écrit (you wrote) :
> Nigel Ridley wrote:
> > I just noticed that according to about:plugins I don't have the java
> > plugin installed. I do have the sun-java-plugin installed and so tried
> > the following: nigel at nigel:~$ sudo ln -s
> > /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-
> > /usr/lib/firefox-addons/plugins
> > [sudo] password for nigel:
> > nigel at nigel:~$ sudo ln -s
> > /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-
> > /usr/lib/firefox/plugins nigel at nigel:~$
> >
> > [above code is broken up by mail client's line wrap]
> >
> > Restarted Firefox (Namoroka actually) but still no java.
> >
> > On checking the various firefox dirs I do have symbolic links in all the
> > plugin dirs.
> > How does one get java working?
> >
> Your procedure seems all right, only java is outdated. the
> current version is - but is not available in the repos (as far
> as I can see).
> In order to use various web-services - like home banking etc. - I
> recommend updating to the current version via Sun's site.
> The procedure is as follows:
> 1) Uninstall all your java apps.
> 2) Download the *.bin file from Sun
I managed to get the outdated java working on Karmic (and I can use
it for banking operations with my postal account.)
As I was attempting to get java working I started a mail to the list, serving
me as a reminder and guiding thread. Since I solved the problem I didn't
bother sending this mail but stored it in my draft folder. From there I could
retrieve one unexpected symlink (hadn't encountered it before) concerning
~/.mozilla/plugins/, also mentionned in Kaj's mail.
See point 2) of my "draft" letter which I paste below.
(As a side note I still moderatly want to get Konq to accept java, not because
I need it but only because konq comes with kubuntu as the viewer)
draft mail below:
Namoroka won't install plugin, Java again
De :
Perry <pwhite at>
À :
kubuntu-users at
Date :
09.03.2010 18.01
Before I switched my working system from Jaunty to Karmic ***I made sure java
was working. ***
Now it doesn't work any more (there has been almost daily updates for weeks on
FireFox, something must have been changed.
I referred to old threads I initiated,
I googled and struggled for for quite some time, now I am requesting your
The symptoms are different from what I previously encountered, What I recorded
now is:
1) When I try to verify the version of java with
a requester pops up telling me some plugins must be installed to view all the
media on the page ...install missing plugins?... IcedTea and Jave se 6.
When I select one and ask (in FF) to install is says it is already installed.
If I remove or purge from Synaptic it will install through Namoroka (and this
would be reflected in Synaptic), but FF will ask me again to install and find
out is is already installed. And "about:plugins" does not mention it.
2) I found a mention in
about a symlink from ~/.mozilla/plugins/
but I had no ~/.mozilla/plugins/ folder.
Creating this folder and making the symlink to point where my java resides,
ln -s /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-
I think that did it
On Hardy? Jaunty I had tried:
perry at Lincu:/usr/lib/firefox-3.5.1/plugins$ sudo ln -s /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-
sudo ln -s /usr/java/jre1.6.0_14/plugin/i386/ns7/
sudo ln -s /usr/java/jre1.6.0_14/plugin/i386/ns7/
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-
BOFH excuse #35: working as designed
Greetings Perry
BOFH excuse #238: You did wha... oh _dear_....
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