KDE4.3 window moving

Nils Kassube kassube at gmx.net
Sun Aug 9 10:17:46 UTC 2009

Donn wrote:
> I can't find the setting to allow me to drag a window from one
> desktop to another. Not from the pager, from the actual window. Any
> clues?

There should be at least two possibilities. 1. Right-click on the title 
bar and select "Move to desktop >" (granted, that isn't exactly "drag"). 
2. In the systemsettings enable active desktop borders: K-menu -> 
systemsettings -> Window Behavior -> Advanced -> Active Desktop Borders

(•) Only when moving windows
(•) Always enabled

Actually this is from KDE 4.2.2 because I can't get to the 4.3 machine 


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