February 2014 Archives by thread
Starting: Sat Feb 1 01:29:37 UTC 2014
Ending: Fri Feb 28 18:43:36 UTC 2014
Messages: 636
- [Bug 1275169] [NEW] kalarm crashes randomly at startup
- [Bug 1266285] Re: SRU tracking bug for KDE SC 4.11.5
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1274626] Re: SRU Muon 2.1.3
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 1273618] Re: freetype2 header not found
Jörg Frings-Fürst
- [Bug 1258422]
- [Bug 457731]
- [Bug 1079671] Re: Edimax wlan USB EW-7622UMn - Ubuntu 12.10 - device not compatible, never able to authenticate (other cards on same system fine)
- [Bug 1275321] [NEW] package libknotifyconfig4 4:4.11.5-0ubuntu0.1 failed to install/upgrade: package libknotifyconfig4 is already installed and configured
sandro shaan
- [Bug 1266285] [kde4libs/saucy] possible regression found
Ubuntu Foundations Team Bug Bot
- [Bug 1267977] Re: Extreme jerkiness with kwin compositing on Nvidia binary driver after upgrading to 4.11.5.
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 1275367] [NEW] K3b initramfs exit
- [Bug 1200523]
- [Bug 1275427] [NEW] every apt-get run spawns additional reboot nitification icon
Sebastian F
- [Bug 391487]
- [Bug 1268897] Re: 12.04 displays package update notifications while distro upgrade is in progress
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1258422] Re: Maximized windows go under panel if panel attached to screen edge between two monitors
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 1275494] [NEW] [needs-packaging] kup
- [Bug 694592] Re: Broken settings in 4.6 rc1: GTK appearance is set to a non-existing entry
Daniel Hahler
- [Bug 563903] Re: Screenshot in -cli missing
Aaron Honeycutt
- [Bug 1275584] [NEW] Kubuntu 14.04 Kickoff Font Look Ugly / Jerky
- [Bug 1059827] Re: Non trivial grub2 installs no longer fit in small embed areas
Alberto Jovito
- [Bug 1274830]
- [Bug 1162216] Re: touchscreen does not tap - sometimes
- [Bug 1275749] [NEW] muon-updater asks for kdewallet password at startup
- [Bug 1242633] Re: unity pointer barriers sru bug
Maarten Lankhorst
- [Bug 1275839] [NEW] Static word wrap line fails when zooming
Arne Nordmann
- [Bug 1132286] Re: Veromix plasmoid not working in Kubuntu 13.04
- [Bug 1169243]
- [Bug 998868] Re: akonaditray should check if mysqldump and bzip2 are installed
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1276042] [NEW] disconnect of 2nd monitor (in a laptop) does not revert to single monitor
Juan de la Figuera
- [Bug 502078] Re: Akonadi Tray can't make backup in the default install
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 820491] Re: KMail missing from search and launch
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1276129] [NEW] Muon Discover doesn't work well on 14.04
Nikola Snele
- [Bug 1276140] [NEW] please remove kvkbd binary and source from archive
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1274830] Re: KDE updater asks for password two times
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 298480]
- [Bug 1112696] Re: drkonqi crashed with SIGABRT in qt_message_output()
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1233662] Re: Missing debug helpers in QtCreator/can't view STL containers in debugger
Antonello Lobianco
- [Bug 1267977]
- [Bug 1207589]
Bogdan Hlevca
- [Bug 551657] Re: nepomukservicestub crashed with SIGSEGV
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1226707] Re: QtCreator examples viewer non-functional
- [Bug 1277312] [NEW] package plasma-nm failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/icons/oxygen/32x32/apps/networkmanager.png', which is also in package kde-workspace-data 4:4.10.5-0ubuntu0.1
Mervin Olivera
- [Bug 786150] Re: information leakage by kdecache when using encrypted home
- [Bug 1244792]
- [Bug 1232156] Re: oxygen-gtk3 does not work out of box on kubuntu 13.10 beta2
Nikola Snele
- [Bug 1270571] Re: Systemsettings crash when interrupting kcm-language at loading
- [Bug 1277997] [NEW] Kubuntu Install fail on new Dell XPS8700: partman error 141: "No matching physical volumes found"
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1278095] [NEW] KNotes: Close 'x' stays white no matter note colour and cannot be seen under certain circumstances
Phil Wyett
- [Bug 1271451] Re: qpdfview 0.4.3-1 doesn't open ps and eps files properly
Benjamin Eltzner
- [Bug 1235633] Re: kde battery applet shows 0% on full charged battery with Dell Latitude e5530: kubuntu 13.10
- [Bug 1278156] [NEW] [needs packaging] kwebkitpart
- [Bug 281945] Re: KNotes close button barely visible
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 1266285] Update Released
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 1278320] [NEW] kubuntu 14,04 beta2 install fails
George Dvorak
- [Bug 1278329] [NEW] [FFe] Qt 5.2
Timo Jyrinki
- [Bug 1232156] Re: oxygen-gtk3 does not work out of box on kubuntu 13.10 and 14.04
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1205420] Re: Volume control in panel not working correctly with HDMI
- [Bug 1254983] Re: virtuoso-t crashes with SIGSEGV often, and almost always after wakeup
Marius B. Kotsbak
- [Bug 1174605] Re: No unlock dialogue after locking
Christopher Welborn
- [Bug 1278837] [NEW] KDE screensaver process keeps running in the background, eating graphics card resources
- [Bug 307287] Re: Can't set global XF86AudioPause/Play Hotkeys
- [Bug 1278880] [NEW] kde-developer-sdk should not depend on python-rbtools
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1278881] [NEW] kde-developer-sdk shoudl not depend on kdesrc-build
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1278882] [NEW] kde-developer-sdk should demote subversion to suggests
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1278912] [NEW] Wrong graph legend for network manager
Hồng Quân
- [Bug 344522]
Kurt Hindenburg
- [Bug 1267035] Re: refresh snapshot to pick up new/improved l10n
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1279069] [NEW] Systemsetting crashed when using Driver Manager for Kubuntu
Andreas Hencke
- [Bug 977761] Re: Add support for using QMI protocol
Marius B. Kotsbak
- [Bug 1260514] Re: please improve font rendering (with howto)
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1278816] Re: crash when clicking reload two times in a row
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1278826] Re: selecting driver, but denying authorization bugs out state tracking
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1278827] Re: state tracking incomplete
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1278814] Re: kcm name should change
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 953342] Re: Add support for Qt Designer UI files
Данило Шеган
- [Bug 1277997] Re: Kubuntu Install fail on new Dell XPS8700: partman error 141: "No matching physical volumes found"
Timothee Groleau
- [Bug 1279194] [NEW] nvidia graphics card not detected
Peter Liedler
- [Bug 1278142] Re: kubuntu-driver-manager not localized
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1247802] Re: language KCM sets incorrect LANGUAGE
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1204182] Re: setlocale.sh can break user-chosen locales and encodings
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 923360] Re: systemsettings/start_and_shutdown shouldn't generate localized .desktop file names
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1152814] Re: [needs-packaging] librocket
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1243620] Re: Languages not displayed correctly in "language control module": German and English are empty
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1123763] Re: Veromix volume control broken by update.
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1170603] Re: Amarok can't found debug package
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1176023] Re: Clock applet problem, unable to connect to ntp servers
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1120077] Re: Upgrade to kde 4.10 leads to terminal related artifacts on the desktop
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1080554] Re: Please set x-www-browser as the default browser
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1106271] Re: systemsettings does not start
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1138460] Re: kcmshell4 crashed with ImportError in /usr/share/kde4/apps/synaptiks/kcm_synaptiks.py: No module named 'synaptiks'
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1081955] Re: kcmshell4 crashed with NameError in _ask_retry_server_error(): global name 'gtk' is not defined
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 609741]
Kurt Hindenburg
- [Bug 1215913] Re: QML Extension Library + Tabbed Touch UI needs manual configuration
- [Bug 1219844] Re: eclipse crashes in Oxygen::MenuStateData::menuItemIsActive(_GtkWidget*) const
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1266736] Re: Please update skanlite to 1.1
Achim Bohnet
- [Bug 1257316] Re: Please update libnm-qt to
Achim Bohnet
- [Bug 1016995] Re: nepomukservicestub crashed with SIGSEGV in __GI___poll()
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 1025084] Re: nepomukindexer crashed with SIGSEGV in Strigi::checkUtf8()
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 1030425] Re: nepomukservicestub crashed with SIGABRT in qt_message_output()
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 1041412] Re: nepomukservicestub crashed with SIGSEGV in operator->()
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 1040921] Re: nepomukservicestub crashed with SIGSEGV in QDirIterator::hasNext()
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 1044429] Re: nepomukservicestub crashed with SIGSEGV in operator->()
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 1045470] Re: nepomukservicestub crashed with SIGSEGV in QDirIterator::hasNext()
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 1044952] Re: nepomukservicestub crashed with SIGSEGV in operator!=()
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 1049198] Re: nepomukindexer crashed with SIGABRT in __assert_fail_base()
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 1053993] Re: nepomukservicestub crashed with SIGABRT in ~QString()
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 1057288] Re: nepomukservicestub crashed with SIGSEGV in QString()
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 1160326] Re: Nepomuk keeps indexing same files
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 1129837] Re: nepomuk causes kickoff logout/shutdown/reboot failure
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 1094483] Re: Nepomuk service takes up all available memory
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 1060155] Re: nepomukserver crashed with SIGSEGV in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2()
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 1139743] Re: nepomukservicestub crashed with signal 5 in g_main_context_new()
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 1120697] Re: nepomukservicestub crashed with signal 5 in g_main_context_new()
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 1163632] Re: nepomukserver crashed with SIGSEGV in close()
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 1164203] Re: nepomukserver crashed with SIGSEGV in _dl_sort_fini()
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 1163679] Re: nepomukserver crashed with SIGSEGV in QHashData::free_helper()
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 1073772] Re: nepomukservicestub crashed with SIGSEGV in Soprano::Client::ClientQueryResultIteratorBackend::close()
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 1058647] Re: nepomukservicestub crashed with SIGABRT in __gnu_cxx::__verbose_terminate_handler()
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1051228] Re: nepomukservicestub crashed with SIGABRT in __gnu_cxx::__verbose_terminate_handler()
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 1060639] Re: nepomukservicestub crashed with SIGSEGV in QObject::objectName()
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 1054551] Re: nepomukservicestub crashed with SIGSEGV in isEmpty()
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 1034985] Re: nepomukservicestub crashed with SIGSEGV in QDirIterator::hasNext()
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 641712] Re: Not possible to enter password for a new user in KDM (Maverick, Natty and Oneiric)
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 1142213] Re: emacs23/24 and other GTK applications do not start when run in Kubuntu 13.04 with oxygen-gtk theme enabled
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 1203155] Re: Muon tries to log me in to api.desktop.org
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 1218324] Re: Muon Discover not add a comment to the installed application
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 1164816] Re: Kubuntu missing most of the software repository after a fresh install
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 1082484] Re: muon-updater never works, always need to kill qaptworker
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 1241604] Re: File contains conflict markers
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1090398] Re: Muon does not find available packages to install
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 1267028] Re: >= 13.10 contains no translations
Aaron Honeycutt
- [Bug 1279681] [NEW] Non-plasma network management notification on start up
Nikola Snele
- [Bug 1000690] Re: Kubuntu 12.04 doesn't logout/reboot/shutdown
Florido Paganelli
- [Bug 1267440] Re: new snapshot for l10n
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1255895] Re: [needs-packaging] cutepaste
Jonathan Riddell
- [Bug 1216743] Re: [needs-packaging] kte-collaborative
Jonathan Riddell
- [Bug 1268650] Re: Please update rekonq to 2.4.2
Jonathan Riddell
- [Bug 1272343] Re: Please update bluedevil to 2.0-rc1
Jonathan Riddell
- [Bug 609741] Re: konsole inverts $COLUMNS and $LINES when resized from vi
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 390396]
- [Bug 1268931] Re: need kconf_update for kickoffrc
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1279909] [NEW] package kdelibs5-dbg 4:4.12.2-0ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: próba nadpisania "/usr/lib/debug/usr/lib/kde4/libkdeinit/libkdeinit4_kded4.so", który istnieje także w pakiecie kdelibs-bin-dbgsym 4:4.12.2-0ubuntu2
Łukasz Zaniepodam
- [Bug 1279940] [NEW] bluetooth dont work with bluedevil2 (rc)
Sandra Karuving
- [Bug 1279960] [NEW] bluedevil 2.0~rc1-0ubuntu1 not recognized Bus 001 Device 003: ID 13d3:3362 IMC Networks
Tomasz Przybył
- [Bug 1274626] Update Released
Brian Murray
- [Bug 549261] Re: Ugly translation template
Adolfo Jayme
- [Bug 457731] Re: kig crashed with SIGSEGV in QAction::setEnabled()
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 1270830] Re: package libblas3 1.2.20110419-5 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 2
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1280310] [NEW] Infinitely shows 'Collecting information'
Sergey Basalaev
- [Bug 1113962] Re: digikam crashes on startup: "Creating pipes for GWakeup: Too many open files"
- [Bug 1261206] Re: l10n Other Notifications are not localized
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1280556] [NEW] kwin multi monitor
- [Bug 1280556] Re: kwin multi monitor
- [Bug 589327] Re: Touchpad control: circular scrolling won't work.
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 397466]
- [Bug 1280773] [NEW] List of drivers gets repeated
Ralph Scharpf
- [Bug 1253579] Re: Passwort for PPTP VPN can't be stored
Mathias Dietrich
- [Bug 1280849] [NEW] Ubiquity failed when installation was about to be complete
- [Bug 425723]
- [Bug 1280899] [NEW] Please update libnm-qt to
Kubuntu IRC Bot
- [Bug 1173386] Re: CMake Package Does Inifinite Loop
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1281036] [NEW] Why is kdm still depending on consolekit?
Simon Rettberg
- [Bug 1098288]
- [Bug 43125] Re: "Installer Crashed" report when selecting "Manually edit partition table"
Sandra Chapman
- [Bug 1281234] [NEW] Ubuntu sdk applications should be easily built and tested
Nicholas Skaggs
- [Bug 1271058] Re: Drop reference to libqt5core5 which will get removed
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1281340] [NEW] Merge strigi 0.7.8-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)
Artur Rona
- [Bug 1126205] Re: [FFe] Bring Unity appmenu / HUD integration to Qt5
Adolfo Jayme
- [Bug 1281564] [NEW] Please remove synaptiks from Trusty
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 1281652] [NEW] AutomocInfo.cmake.in depends on environment variables
Andreas Pokorny
- [Bug 743186] Mass close of Synaptiks bugs
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 814200] Mass close of Synaptics bugs
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 814200] Re: synaptiks crashed with ImportError in search(): No module named knuminput
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 851566] Re: synaptiks crashed with EnvironmentError in get_property()
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 921186] Re: synaptiks crashed with KeyError in _update_widgets_from_mapping(): u'fast_taps'
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 925433] Re: synaptiks crashed with AttributeError in show_configuration_dialog(): 'SynaptiksNotifierItem' object has no attribute 'touchpad'
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 973158] Re: synaptikscfg crashed with XInputVersionError in assert_xinput_version(): XInputVersionError: Expected 2.0, got 1.3
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 1112734] Re: systemsettings crashed with ImportError in /usr/share/kde4/apps/synaptiks/kcm_synaptiks.py: No module named 'synaptiks'
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 1265571] Re: Incorrect Homepage in kde-config-touchpad package information
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 773343] Re: upgrade tro natty installed kde-config-synaptiks on my desktop
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 789734] Re: Unable to deactivate synaptic touch-pad in Kubuntu 11.04, which makes my Gateway M6881 virtually unuseable due to the touchpad being broken with left key stck in on position.
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 806922] Re: Kubuntu 11.10 synaptiks crashed with KeyError in _handle_event(): 131
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 830766] Re: "Drag items by tapping the touchpad and then immediately touching it again" doesn't work
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 871261] Re: kcm module (kde-config-touchpad) incomplete
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 944569] Re: installation failed-for every package i want to install
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 1008991] Re: synaptikscfg crashed with UndefinedPropertyError in _get_property_atom(): u'Synaptics Circular Pad'
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 1035376] Re: synaptiks crashes after a resume from suspend
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 1098288] Re: Launching synaptiks from System Settings does not launch the application
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 344522] Re: konsole in KDE 4.2 (Intrepid) do not respect size settings
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 1280372] Re: Unknown Qt application causes libdbusmenu-qt to use 100% CPU
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1282074] [NEW] driverevent has timing issue
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1282080] [NEW] driverevent doesn't update xapian cache
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1282082] [NEW] driverevent wastes cpu time
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1282085] [NEW] driverevent needlessly queries apt cache
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1282087] [NEW] doesn't update xapian
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1282090] [NEW] DriverManager_DBus can terminate for no reason
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1282092] [NEW] DriverManager_DBus has unused function
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1282095] [NEW] driverevent makes incorrect assertations
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1282107] [NEW] driverevent always displays notification on every login
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1173207] Re: Black screen on unlock
Laurent Redor
- [Bug 1265270] Re: firewall is nonfunctional in kubuntu
- [Bug 1282461] [NEW] driverevent not managable through KCM
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1282462] [NEW] driverevent has apparently private files stored outside its source dir
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1282464] [NEW] driverevent needs to reopen the xapian index
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1282468] [NEW] m_driverEvent not init'd to nullptr
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1282470] [NEW] driverevent code in module.cpp not ordered
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1282471] [NEW] driverevent additon not documented in changelog
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1282523] [NEW] snapshot has no localization
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1267765] Re: kdesudo not localized
Gabor Kelemen
- [Bug 1272687] Re: Shutdown sometimes hangs on Kubuntu 14.04 Daily Build
Marco Parillo
- [Bug 737856] Re: synaptiks crashed with KeyError in __getitem__(): u'No such property: NAME'
Brian Murray
- [Bug 1282770] [NEW] PPA (Kubuntu-backports) update 4.12.2 removed KDM & kubuntu-desktop – reinstall fails
- [Bug 737856] Update Released
Brian Murray
- [Bug 1281884] Re: whoopsie-upload-all crashed with PermissionError in process_report(): [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/var/crash/_usr_bin_akonadi_googlecalendar_resource.1000.crash'
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1282950] [NEW] DriverManager_DBus contains nonsensical code
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1270571] [NEW] Systemsettings crash when interrupting kcm-language at loading
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1283004] [NEW] Muon Discover does not show most apps
Jonathan Riddell
- [Bug 1283014] [NEW] KMail + GPG-Agent with pinentry-kwallet vanishes in background
Johannes Knauf
- [Bug 1283066] [NEW] Password over 24 characters overflows entry box in plymouth decrypt hdd screen
Phil Wyett
- [Bug 1167253] Re: ksplashqml crashed with SIGSEGV in data()
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 1173349] Re: plasma-desktop crashes repeatedly
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 968773] Re: ksplashx crashed with SIGSEGV in updateSplashImage()
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 1069498] Re: KWin shows tearing despite of VSync
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 1102540] Re: Screen unlock password dialog stays visible and on top forever after unlocking
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 1283350] [NEW] No icon for wifi + openconnect vpn in plasma-nm
Rohan Dhruva
- [Bug 1283350] Re: No icon for wifi + openconnect vpn in plasma-nm
Rohan Dhruva
- [Bug 1204934] Re: Lock screen needs no password when activated by Power Managment
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 713198] Re: Power button delay dialog in kde 4.6+
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 571278] Re: Kubuntu Netbook favourites misses an icon when installed in Spanish
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 789630] Re: "Network Connections" cannot configure a WiFi connection
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 925978] Re: precise kde 4.8 does not save monitor layout
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 1052059] Re: KDE 4.9.1 - Digital Clock Overlaps System Tray in Panel
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 1115693] Re: ksysguard does not reflect changes in color-scheme
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 949589] Re: ksplashx crashed with SIGSEGV in scanLine()
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 1168694] Re: A dummy login screen is displayed upon idle
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 883459]
- [Bug 1283570] [NEW] package libkjsembed4 (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: cannot copy extracted data for './usr/lib/libkjsembed.so.4.11.5' to '/usr/lib/libkjsembed.so.4.11.5.dpkg-new': unexpected end of file or stream
- [Bug 1283596] [NEW] 'Export Kmail Data' function missing dep
Phil Wyett
- [Bug 1283597] [NEW] virtuoso-t crashed with SIGSEGV
Phil Wyett
- [Bug 1283622] [NEW] Plymouthd doesnt exit after login with kdm
- [Bug 1283692] [NEW] My graphic card seems incompatible with Kubuntu 13.10
- [Bug 1283753] [NEW] kde session hangs when konqueror/rekonq interacts with kcookiejar
- [Bug 1283761] [NEW] /usr/bin/panoramagui:11:QUrl::scheme:KUrl::hasSubUrl:KUrl::fileName:_start
errors.ubuntu.com bug bridge
- [Bug 1282531] Re: [needs-packaging] SpeedCrunch 0.11 needs packaging
Adolfo Jayme
- [Bug 1282531] [NEW] Please update SpeedCrunch to 0.11
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 994190] Re: Add better keywords for Unity/Dash
Adolfo Jayme
- [Bug 1283820] [NEW] content of windows (and desktop) appear black when using kwin, but not with kwin_gles - intel graphics
- [Bug 1283882] [NEW] package libkdecore5 4:4.10.5-0ubuntu0.1 failed to install/upgrade: package libkdecore5 is not ready for configuration cannot configure (current status `half-installed')
Alfonso Navarro Soto
- [Bug 610394] Re: printer-applet.py crashed with AttributeError in dirname()
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 619136] Re: printer-applet.py crashed with DBusException in call_blocking()
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 955832] Re: printer-applet.py assert failure: python: /build/buildd/sip4-4.13.2/siplib/siplib.c:10938: sipEnumType_alloc: Assertion `(((currentType)->td_flags & 0x0007) == 0x0003)' failed.
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 923069] Re: printer-applet.py crashed with SIGSEGV
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 963367] Re: printer-applet.py crashed with DBusException in call_blocking(): org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AccessDenied: Connection ":1.183" is not allowed to own the service "com.redhat.NewPrinterNotification" due to security policies in the configuration file
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 966336] Re: printer-applet.py crashed with KeyError in update_job(): 55
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 1218334] Re: printer-applet.py crashed with SIGSEGV in QMetaObject::normalizedSignature()
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 554981] Re: printer-applet.py crashed with ImportError in <module>()
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 812830] Re: printer-applet.py crashed with ImportError in /usr/bin/printer-applet: No module named kdecore
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 1284042] [NEW] Bug with click in ok
- [Bug 1284052] [NEW] /usr/bin/dolphin:11:QDomNode::isElement:QDomNode::firstChildElement:KBookmarkGroup::findToolbar:KBookmarkManager::saveAs:KBookmarkManager::emitChanged
errors.ubuntu.com bug bridge
- [Bug 1284072] [NEW] please remove qapt source from trusty
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1252235]
Graham P Davis
- [Bug 1284099] [NEW] marble-plugins lacks a dependency to libwlocate0
Dennis Nienhüser
- [Bug 1218307] Re: Failed to start program. Path or permissions wrong? /usr/bin/cordova-ubuntu-2.8 exited with code -1
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1282257] Re: qt4 and qt5 dev tools can't be installed together on 12.04 from the ubuntu-sdk-team PPA
Timo Jyrinki
- [Bug 1266289] Re: XMP IPTC Creator metadata written to wrong property
Alan Pater
- [Bug 1009230] Re: EXIF information is lost on "Recompress Images" batch processing
Alan Pater
- [Bug 1215937] Re: cannot create click packages for QML Extension Library + Tabbed Touch UI
Niklas Wenzel
- [Bug 642185] Re: Global Keyboard Accelerators do not work
Adrian Lewis
- [Bug 1284694] [NEW] Synaptiks in KDE Kubuntu 12.04.4 LTS crashed with segmentation fault when I open it
Mirco Helg
- [Bug 1284745] [NEW] Ktorrent and libktorrent need upgraded to 4.3.1 for all supported platforms because of bug fixes
James Cain
- [Bug 179214]
- [Bug 1255704] Re: ubuntu crashes when exiting minecraft
John Kim
- [Bug 1255704] [NEW] ubuntu crashes when exiting minecraft
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1285169] Re: Multiple monitors no longer configurable through settings in Kubuntu 12.04
Brian Murray
- [Bug 1285169] [NEW] Multiple monitors no longer configurable through settings in Kubuntu 12.04
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1197261] Re: Can't install kde-style-skulpture on KDE 4.11 Beta 2 - conflict with kde-window-manager package
Sam Rog
- [Bug 1285398] [NEW] package libkdecore5 4:4.11.5-0ubuntu0.1 failed to install/upgrade: package libkdecore5 is already installed and configured
- [Bug 1206371] Re: kwin is not starting: cannot find libwayland-egl.so.1
Cyrille Grosdemange
- [Bug 1285655] [NEW] Cannot access Kwallet with GPG encryption after logging out and back in
Kevin Rogers
- [Bug 1285678] [NEW] Incorrectly positioned user interface elements with dual-screen setup and different screen resolutions
- [Bug 1285679] [NEW] text of buttons unreadable on OEM installer
- [Bug 1285705] [NEW] kubuntu: read release notes not working
Jonathan Riddell
- [Bug 1285707] [NEW] Kubuntu Netbook OEM install does not create a 'prepare for shipping' icon
Jonathan Riddell
- [Bug 1285711] Re: Missing dependency: KDE-telepathy crashes when trying to connect
- [Bug 1285729] [NEW] amarok unable to transcode
Aymeric PETIT
- [Bug 1285801] [NEW] virtuoso-t crashed with SIGSEGV on system startup
Balaam's Miracle
- [Bug 898390] Re: krandr-tray doesn't restore monitor arrangement on startup
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 94597] Re: Settings for Logitech Optical Trackman unavailable
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 1191192] Re: Display is upside-down in kwin and unity
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 1181083] Re: "delete" mini-button in text boxes covers right-to-left text
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 989447] Re: kde-window-manager-gles needs to go away
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 1131510] Re: kwin mistakes desktop size after removing second screen
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 1119312] Re: Desktop Effects keyboard shortcuts not saved
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 1272189] Re: Problem with switching monitors on notebook
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 1232361] Re: after upgrade from raring, akonadi consumes a lot of CPU
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 906062] Re: Executable: nepomukservicestub PID: 2111 Signal: Segmentation fault (11)
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 909022] Re: Various akonadi processes use 100% CPU and 200% RAM at every KDE session startup
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 1001560] Re: Filtering mail removes email content in akonadi
Rohan Garg
- [Bug 1262779] Re: KDE oem-config requires extra Continue click to prevent crash
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 1286090] [NEW] reboot required
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 883459] Re: KMail duplicates emails
Bug Watch Updater
Last message date:
Fri Feb 28 18:43:36 UTC 2014
Archived on: Thu May 11 02:45:35 UTC 2023
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).