March 2015 Archives by date
Starting: Wed Mar 4 06:05:10 UTC 2015
Ending: Tue Mar 31 19:22:13 UTC 2015
Messages: 125
- Trivial bugs hurting progress
Andrew Wilkins
- Trivial bugs hurting progress
Martin Packman
- Trivial bugs hurting progress
Dimiter Naydenov
- Trivial bugs hurting progress
Aaron Bentley
- Trivial bugs hurting progress
Curtis Hovey-Canonical
- Trivial bugs hurting progress
Curtis Hovey-Canonical
- Joyent SSH key
Nate Finch
- Joyent SSH key
Eric Snow
- Joyent SSH key
Nick Veitch
- Joyent SSH key
Nate Finch
- Joyent SSH key
Andrew Wilkins
- Trivial bugs hurting progress
Andrew Wilkins
- Trivial bugs hurting progress
Tim Penhey
- Trivial bugs hurting progress
Andrew Wilkins
- Trivial bugs hurting progress
John Meinel
- coloring juju logs a bit
Horacio Duran
- Alternative charm store location?
John George
- Alternative charm store location?
Richard Harding
- Juju devel 1.22-beta5 is released
Curtis Hovey-Canonical
- What to do about go fmt 1.4 ?
John Meinel
- What to do about go fmt 1.4 ?
John Meinel
- What to do about go fmt 1.4 ?
roger peppe
- What to do about go fmt 1.4 ?
Michael Hudson-Doyle
- What to do about go fmt 1.4 ?
John Meinel
- What to do about go fmt 1.4 ?
John Meinel
- What to do about go fmt 1.4 ?
Nate Finch
- What to do about go fmt 1.4 ?
roger peppe
- What to do about go fmt 1.4 ?
David Cheney
- What to do about go fmt 1.4 ?
Andrew Wilkins
- Reminder: run a manual upgrade when writing upgrade steps
Tim Penhey
- Please, no more types called "State"
David Cheney
- What to do about go fmt 1.4 ?
John Meinel
- Please, no more types called "State"
Ian Booth
- Please, no more types called "State"
Tim Penhey
- Please, no more types called "State"
Andrew Wilkins
- Please, no more types called "State"
Ian Booth
- Please, no more types called "State"
roger peppe
- Please, no more types called "State"
roger peppe
- Please, no more types called "State"
Michael Foord
- Please, no more types called "State"
Gustavo Niemeyer
- Please, no more types called "State"
Frank Mueller
- Please, no more types called "State"
Eric Snow
- Please, no more types called "State"
Gustavo Niemeyer
- Please, no more types called "State"
roger peppe
- Fwd: Please, no more types called "State"
roger peppe
- 1.23 is branched and ready for your stable fixes
Curtis Hovey-Canonical
- juju 1.22.0 is proposed for release
Curtis Hovey-Canonical
- systemd support in juju
Alexis Bruemmer
- systemd support in juju
Curtis Hovey-Canonical
- systemd support in juju
Antonio Rosales
- systemd support in juju
Antonio Rosales
- 1.23-beta1 needs features for release notes.
Curtis Hovey-Canonical
- Merge gating for more juju subprojects
Martin Packman
- Merge gating for more juju subprojects
Dimiter Naydenov
- 1.23-beta1 needs features for release notes.
Dimiter Naydenov
- 1.23-beta1 needs features for release notes.
Horacio Duran
- 1.23-beta1 needs features for release notes.
Anastasia Macmood
- Please, no more types called "State"
Katherine Cox-Buday
- using the reviewboard dashboard effectively
Eric Snow
- using the reviewboard dashboard effectively
Andrew Wilkins
- Testing on windows
Gabriel Samfira
- Testing on windows
Michael Foord
- Testing on windows
Gabriel Samfira
- Testing on windows
David Cheney
- Testing on windows
Gabriel Samfira
- Testing on windows
Aaron Bentley
- Testing on windows
Gabriel Samfira
- Testing on windows
Eric Snow
- Testing on windows
Gabriel Samfira
- Juju stable 1.22.0 is released
Curtis Hovey-Canonical
- bug: apt-add-repository doesn't obey http-proxy
Nate Finch
- Janus: a fake rest api server
Katherine Cox-Buday
- Watch out for plural vs. singular
Nate Finch
- Watch out for plural vs. singular
Katherine Cox-Buday
- Testing on windows
Eric Snow
- Watch out for plural vs. singular
roger peppe
- Fwd: Watch out for plural vs. singular
roger peppe
- master upgrade problems
Tim Penhey
- master upgrade problems
John George
- restoring juju state
Eric Snow
- restoring juju state
Horacio Duran
- restoring juju state
Eric Snow
- Juju devel 1.23-beta1 is released
Aaron Bentley
- Merge gating for more juju subprojects
Martin Packman
- Merge gating for more juju subprojects
Andrew Wilkins
- Merge gating for more juju subprojects
Martin Packman
- Merge gating for more juju subprojects
Rick Harding
- Merge gating for more juju subprojects
Andrew Wilkins
- restoring juju state
Tim Penhey
- GCE provider
Andrew Wilkins
- Proposal: move package replicaset to its own GitHub repo
Andrew Wilkins
- restoring juju state
roger peppe
- Proposal: move package replicaset to its own GitHub repo
roger peppe
- Proposal: move package replicaset to its own GitHub repo
Nate Finch
- Merge gating for more juju subprojects
Martin Packman
- Proposal: move package replicaset to its own GitHub repo
David Cheney
- Proposal: move package replicaset to its own GitHub repo
John Meinel
- GCE provider
Curtis Hovey-Canonical
- restoring juju state
Eric Snow
- restoring juju state
Eric Snow
- GCE provider
Eric Snow
- Proposal: move package replicaset to its own GitHub repo
Tim Penhey
- Proposal: move package replicaset to its own GitHub repo
Andrew Wilkins
- GCE provider
Andrew Wilkins
- GCE provider
Nate Finch
- GCE provider
Eric Snow
- GCE provider
Andrew Wilkins
- GCE provider
Dimiter Naydenov
- GCE provider
Eric Snow
- GCE provider
Dimiter Naydenov
- Juju devel 1.23-beta1 is released
Aaron Bentley
- Juju devel 1.23-beta2 is released
Curtis Hovey-Canonical
- backporting changes to packages that use
Nate Finch
- please check your spam folders
Nate Finch
- please check your spam folders
David Cheney
- please check your spam folders
Nate Finch
- please check your spam folders
James Tunnicliffe
- backporting changes to packages that use
Eric Snow
- Migrating imports away from to
Nate Finch
- Migrating imports away from to
Eric Snow
- backporting changes to packages that use
John Meinel
- Juju devel 1.23-beta2 is released
Stuart Bishop
- Juju devel 1.23-beta2 is released
John Meinel
- Juju devel 1.23-beta2 is released
Stuart Bishop
- serializing to json
Nate Finch
Last message date:
Tue Mar 31 19:22:13 UTC 2015
Archived on: Tue Mar 31 19:22:20 UTC 2015
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).