suggested ML reading for new board members

Sebastien Bacher seb128 at
Tue Apr 5 10:12:52 UTC 2022

Hey Dan,

Thanks for the references. I was already subscribed to the list but 
didn't keep up with the details of those discussions at the time. I 
intend to go back read them but between the LTS release coming and 
Easter/holidays it will probably be delayed a bit.

I also want to take the time to experience how the DMB is working before 
forming opinions so I will wait for a few meetings and applications 
review also before following up on those topics.


Le 04/04/2022 à 23:30, Dan Streetman a écrit :
> In case any new board members have not been previously following the
> devel-permissions mailing list, I would suggest reading through the
> administrative discussions for the past year - there really isn't that
> much to go through, and it may be enlightening to provide context for
> current DMB discussions.
> For reference the archive is:
> In particular, here are the two recent longer administrative
> discussions threads:
> however they do span multiple months and i'm not sure if those links
> cover all the discussion, so it may be easier to simply start in Aug
> and read the threads that are interesting from there on.
> Also re: finding a new meeting time that works best for all members
> (including new members), it may be useful for new members to review my
> previous attempt at rescheduling:
> Finally, I debated if I should include this, but decided to since 1)
> it's public information and 2) it may help provide useful context to
> new board members (though maybe they are already aware). In any case,
> this thread on the TB ML may be useful to read:

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