bzr status and commit strange behaviour

Stefano Spinucci virgo977virgo at
Sun Mar 18 00:37:06 GMT 2007

On 3/18/07, Alexander Belchenko <bialix at> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Stefano Spinucci пишет:
> > On 3/17/07, Alexander Belchenko <bialix at> wrote:
> >> Stefano Spinucci пишет:
> >> > On 3/17/07, Alexander Belchenko <bialix at> wrote:
> >> >> Stefano Spinucci пишет:
> >> >> > On Windows 2000, using the unofficial binary provided by Alexander
> >> >> > Belchenko
> >> >> (,
> >> >> > working on a network share, I encountered the following problem:
> >> >>
> >> >> What you mean by "working on a network share"?
> >> >> Does you working on local disk checkout from remote machine,
> >> >> or completely on remote machine that connected to some drive letter?
> >> >
> >> > I was working on a remote machine connected to a drive letter
> >>
> >> Probably this is the root of problem. I never try to work in such
> >> environment.
> >
> > As you said replying to my first message to this list
> > (
> > "There is absolutely NO problems to store repo on any disk.
> > Bazaar supports usual hard drives, USB flash disks, UNC shared
> > network locations, and even file network protocols as SFTP/FTP."
> >
> > Then, following your reply, thinking that a remote machine connected
> > to a drive letter was an "UNC shared network locations", I started
> > using bazaar in my work environment.
> Well, I'm always try to talk about things that I know and I'm sure.
> I was talking about storing the repository on shared network location
> and checkout of this repository on local disk. I never try before
> to work with bzr completely on shared network location all the time,
> because it could be somewhat slow in some network environment.
> I'm recently fixing bug related to working with UNC \\HOST\path locations
> and assume you're asking about such things.
> Sorry for a kind of misinformation.
> Although in the past I successfully work in such environment
> with TortoiseCVS and CVSNT. And I'm convinced that Bazaar is not worse than CVSNT.
> > Maybe I misinterpreted your reply and I should not use bazaar with the
> > repo stored on a shared network location ???
> Until we understand what is problem in your case I cannot say "yes or no".
> Because you're working over network connection, and there is *always* exists
> some nitpick details.
> And the more we testing Bazaar in various environment, the more robust Bazaar will be.
> Is this approach is appropriate for you?

Surely it is.

I renew my support to the responsive bazaar community and to the
beautiful piece of code bazaar is.

Monday I'll send to you and John my .bzr.log and my repo without
sensible informations...


Excuse me if my reply seemed unrespectful because, for me, nobody can
expect  anything without having given nothing; and, by now, I already
owe much to the bazaar community and I'll help you as much as I can.

Stefano Spinucci

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