[xubuntu-users] Need help with needing help and support

lukshuntim at gmail.com lukshuntim at gmail.com
Sat Jun 24 13:09:32 UTC 2017

On Saturday, June 24, 2017 06:10 AM, avengethecathars wrote:
> Thanks for this.  Unfortunately, my xubuntu laptop will not boot up, 
> otherwise I would.


> I realize you are not offering help, but I am reaching the end of my 
> patience. My (Xubuntu) root system needs to perform a manual fsck (which 
> I assume is a file system check). 
If this is the case, maybe you can download a rescue cd to do it. For 
example, this one


It can be booted as a live cd or installed on a USB (from a Windows 
machine as well).


-- st

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