[xubuntu-users] Firefox fails accessing microphone

Antoine Pitrou solipsis at pitrou.net
Thu Sep 24 20:45:39 UTC 2015


On Thu, 24 Sep 2015 13:13:06 -0700
Florian Coste <fcoste21 at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm not an expert, but maybe it's more an issue related to the website
> uberconference.com that something related to Xubuntu, don't you think ?
> Moreover, you're saying that it doesn't work on a Windows VM. Do you know
> if your microphone works with other application ?

Yes, it works perfectly well with e.g. Skype (under Xubuntu).

I've tried other Web-based microphone testing pages (all HTML5-based,

-> doesn't work on Chromium, works only a couple seconds on Firefox
-> works on neither Chromium nor Firefox
-> works on neither Chromium nor Firefox
-> works on neither Chromium nor Firefox

I've found a single page that works consistently (both Chromium and

> Maybe the best way is to ask them to solve the problem by themselves :
> http://help.uberconference.com/customer/portal/emails/new

Will do, though with the symptoms above I'm not sure it's really a
problem on their side (or perhaps a widespread programming error?).

> By the way, there is other tools to make a videoconference, if you want.
> You can use Firefox Hello <https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/hello/>,
> or you can try with linphone <https://www.linphone.org/>

Thanks for the suggestions. In this case I'm not the one creating the
(audio) conferences, though...



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