[xubuntu-users] Wily Werewolf

Sébastien ml at terranean.eu
Wed Oct 21 05:15:10 UTC 2015

le 2015-10-21, Rob écrivit:
>On 21/10/15 10:44, blind Pete wrote:
>> I like that, but you will have to wait for the whole alphabet
>> cycle.  How about xanthic xubuntu (with a yellow theme)?  The
>> other *buntus probably won't go for it.  Xanthic Xiphos (with
>> weapons grade cryptography)?  There are not a lot of animals
>> that start with "x".
>There is an impressive native monocotyledon in our part of Australia, 
>Xanthorrhoea australis!!

Throwing "Xerox'd" in would be nice/fun, but then it would need to be
sponsored? :)

>"Zany Zebras" could be ok?

I was just thinking that last night, sounds perfect to me.


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