[xubuntu-users] Xubuntu 12.04 LTS and 14.04 LTS

George DiceGeorge dicegeorge at hotmail.com
Thu Nov 27 10:55:07 UTC 2014

I dont think Xubuntu fits on a CD any more,
i've installed Lubuntu on old machines

-----Original Message----- 
From: Marc Coevoet 
Sent: Wednesday, 26 November, 2014 21:31 
To: Xubuntu Support and User Discussions 
Subject: Re: [xubuntu-users] Xubuntu 12.04 LTS and 14.04 LTS 

Op 26-11-14 om 09:05 schreef John Chip:
> I use with satisfaction Xubuntu 12.04 LTS on my old Sony Vaio FX705 
> with 512MB ram and ATI rage M1 8MB.
> I have tried Xubuntu 14.04 LTS live but after the logo screen when the 
> login does appears the screen turn to black and so in loop: i don't 
> have never the login screen.

There is an alternate cd for ?older machines?

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