[xubuntu-users] Xubuntu 12.04 LTS and 14.04 LTS

Marc Coevoet marcc at dommel.be
Wed Nov 26 21:31:03 UTC 2014

Op 26-11-14 om 09:05 schreef John Chip:
> I use with satisfaction Xubuntu 12.04 LTS on my old Sony Vaio FX705 
> with 512MB ram and ATI rage M1 8MB.
> I have tried Xubuntu 14.04 LTS live but after the logo screen when the 
> login does appears the screen turn to black and so in loop: i don't 
> have never the login screen.

There is an alternate cd for ?older machines?

There is eg the original ubuntu, or lubuntu, to try if one of them 
dropped drivers ...

Ans there is eg MX14, in which you can move a panel, so it looks more 
like (x/l)ubuntu...

""MX-14 "Symbiosis" is a special version of antiX ..."


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