[xubuntu-users] XP to XUbuntu - The journey, join me

Norman Silverstone norman at littletank.org
Thu Jun 12 06:42:16 UTC 2014

> I did this kind of migration a lot of time for friends, relatives...
> The main point about the migration from Outlook to Mozilla is not an OS
> migration problem, but an application migration.
> The best way to achieve it is to install Thunderbird on XP.
> TB detects outlook and offer the choice of importing all data from
> outlook to TB.
> When moving from XP to XU you can simply copy the TB-XP's file to XU...
> it's that simple...
> I found that a good way to put non technical people on the road to Linux
> is to keep XP/Vista/W7 and install GNU software in lieu of
> MS/proprietary softwares :
> Libre-Office, Firefox, Thunderbird, VLC, Kompozer, Stellarium .. are
> good examples .
> Once people is at ease with applications, you can easily move to Linux ...

What an excellent way of going about making the change, like so many 
good ideas so simple and yet it is truly something I have never thought 
about doing.


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