[xubuntu-users] White Screen at CD boot

Fred Roller fredroller66 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 10 20:25:16 UTC 2014

On 04/10/2014 11:42 AM, Benjamin Shadwick wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 5:00 AM, 
> <xubuntu-users-request at lists.ubuntu.com 
> <mailto:xubuntu-users-request at lists.ubuntu.com>> wrote:
>     In summary: I burned a CD. I tried it on the computer but the
>     screen went white after a few moments. I tried the CD on a newer
>     Toshiba and it seems to work fine. After checking various help
>     sources, I was able to get to the boot menu on the older computer
>     and try a few options there:
>     Deleting the 'quiet splash' command
>     Choosing the nomodeset
>     Adding the following, individually, to the boot options lineAdding
>     i915.modset=0
>     xforcevesa
>     fb=false
>     vga=771
> You might try the acpi=off boot option. I have to use that with most 
> Ubuntu distros on my laptop until such time as I am able to replace 
> the Nouveau driver with the nVidia proprietary one because the former 
> seems to choke on the fact that I have SLI.
> My failure mode is different, though: the screen alternates between 
> reg, green and blue colors.
If Benjamin's suggestion does not help then you can try using the 
"forcepae" option at boot.  If memory serves 12.04 Ubuntu and Xubuntu? 
supports this and I know the Ubuntu 14.04 beta 2 does but the 14.04 
Xubuntu does not as of yet.  None of the tweeners support the option 
(12.10-13.10) Latest distros require pae to function according to my 
research on older systems.  "forcepae" allows for this adaptation.  I 
don't have my links to the discussions but a search on Pentium M 
processors should yield some better explanations.

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