[xubuntu-users] Choosing the right/best version (release) of Xubuntu

Ali Linx (amjjawad) amjjawad at gmail.com
Fri Nov 22 10:17:11 UTC 2013


On Fri, Nov 22, 2013 at 9:15 AM, John R. Sowden
<jsowden at americansentry.net>wrote:

> I use Xubuntu because I don't want the slower cutsie unity stuff.

I'm too more into simple and lightweight systems but I had to join Ubuntu
GNOME and lead some sub-teams but IMHO, GNOME is still better than Unity
but that is only me :)

> Usually people who go with xubuntu is because they want something lean and
> mean.

Tweak-able and beautiful too, I'd guess :)

> I use xfce as my desktop.  Its fast enough, although recently when I click
> on an icon, there is a 10 or so second delay. This is new, so I don't know
> the cause.  I upgrade every time there is one. The most traffic seems to be
> in the latest, and I get updates as necessary, so I don't worry about older
> and more stable.

If truth to be told, I use Lubuntu 13.04 amd64 (where I am typing now) and
have Ubuntu GNOME on this machine as well but mostly, I am using Lubuntu. I
don't yet have Xubuntu on any of my machines. Weird? yes, I know. specially
that there is yet another neighbour who has agreed to install Linux and get
rid of Windows (I feel super happy when I convert people to Linux :D)  and
guess what? I am also going to install Xubuntu for him :)

So, I guess I do need to start using Xubuntu, if not for the system then it
is because it has a very organized community and helpful people that I
respect and consider them an example that other flavours need to follow :)

> Hope that helps,
> John
> by the way, when he has a problem, he'll be knocking you Your door, so you
> might also want a version that you feel comfortable supporting.

You are correct, I do need to install it on one of my machines :)

I have created a facebook group (facebook is the best area for me to
recruit people for my projects and for converting them to Linux) for our
community where I live (I guess there are over 4000 people over here :D)
and I will use it as a Technical Support Forum + a place where I can
attract more people to Linux.

Just came from another neighbour’s house (Yes, I am the only Linux/IT Geek
around so I am offering my help to everyone here) and they complained about
Windows 8 which they have on one of their machines. I am going to try with
them as well (convert) :)

Thank you!

Remember: "All of us are smarter than any one of us."
Best Regards,
amjjawad <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/amjjawad>
Areas of Involvement <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/amjjawad/AreasOfInvolvement>
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