[xubuntu-users] RDP local sound with Xubuntu

Benjamin Shadwick benshadwick at gmail.com
Mon Nov 18 17:46:32 UTC 2013

If the remote server is a Linux machine, you may also be interested in
x2go: http://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php

Basically it is an X11 client with a special protocol that gets better
compression than X11, and it uses PulseAudio for sound.

They have clients for various OSes; I've tested with Xubuntu as the server
and Windows 7 and XP as the clients.

On Sat, Nov 16, 2013 at 3:44 PM, Komp u ter hulp <komputerhulp at ziggo.nl>wrote:

> Thanks
> Cheska
> Marc Coevoet schreef op 17-11-2013 0:12:
>  op 16-11-13 20:26, Komp u ter hulp schreef:
>>> Is it possible to start a remote desktop session and get the sound
>>> local in Xubuntu?
>>> It is an intranet solution, not via internet
>>> 10-20 accounts for a schoolclass
>>> We test with one computer with two additional accounts.
>> This is the best choice:
>> http://www.ltsp.org/
>> There are things like
>> http://multiseatcomputer.be/
>> that do NOT require thin clients ...
>> Marc
> --
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