[xubuntu-users] Booting Windows 8 after Xubuntu 12.10 install

Darren Govoni darren at ontrenet.com
Sun May 19 12:52:38 UTC 2013

Damn. Thanks. The one time I skip G**gle thinking my problem is "too 
new" it turns up there. My bad man. Thanks for the polite post.

On 05/19/2013 08:39 AM, Tim wrote:
> On 19/05/13 13:15, Darren Govoni wrote:
>> Hi,
>>   I installed Xubuntu 12.10 on a partition alongside Windows 8 on my 
>> laptop.
>> But when I select the windows partition in grub, it won't boot. Gives 
>> some wierd two line error (sorry I couldn't cut/paste it).
>> Is there some more work to do, for grub to boot Windows 8? Or its not 
>> possible anymore?
>> thanks
> Never tried, but a quick google came up with this (should be the same 
> for Xubuntu)
> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2085530
> If that does not help type the following into google search as there 
> were plenty of comments listed
> "cant boot windows 8 after installing ubuntu"

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