[xubuntu-users] ubuntuforums site scrolling jerky

David Guerra imdavidguerra at gmail.com
Sun Feb 3 15:22:05 UTC 2013

If wireless mouse, unplug the receiver and plug it back in. I had the same
issue as you and that was the only fix. Even reboots didn't fix it.

As for the issue with Facebook. Seems a memory leak from their code. Why
someone would want Facebook open that much is beyond my understanding, but
there probably isn't a fix you can use. With all their Ajax calls going on,
it's going to cause issues.

On Sunday, February 3, 2013, Joshua O'Leary wrote:

>  Is smooth scrolling turned on in Firefox (I think it is on by default
> since 12.10)? It can consume a lot of CPU.  You can turn it off through
> Edit>Preferences>Advanced>(general tab) Uncheck 'use smooth scrolling'. You
> could try turning off hardware acceleration too if that is causing
> problems, though normally you'd want that left on.
> Joshua
> On 03/02/13 12:06, Art Slurry wrote:
> On 02/03/2013 06:05 AM, Tim wrote:
> On 03/02/13 10:07, Dave Hills wrote:
> On 2 February 2013 06:53, Art Slurry <info at artslurry.com<javascript:_e({}, 'cvml', 'info at artslurry.com');>
> <mailto:info at artslurry.com> <javascript:_e({}, 'cvml',
> 'info at artslurry.com');>> wrote:
>     hi all,
>     given fresh install 12.04 xubuntu, all updates
>     I cannot get the ubuntuforums.org <http://ubuntuforums.org><http://ubuntuforums.org>site
>     to scroll smoothly either with the mouse wheel, or side bar, or
>     even arrow keys, making it impossible to use..
>     nvidia geforce with version 173 driver installed,
>     no extensions running in firefox 18.0.1
>     same result in midori
>     i've also tried a different video card
>     anyone else have a problem with the site?  just trying to figure
>     out if it's the site or my box
>     no problems with any other site, nothing relevant in the logs, i'm
>     at a loss
> Hi Art,
> I've a fresh install of 12.10 and have no problems scrolling Ubuntu Forums
> with Firefox or Chromium. I've had some different problems with graphics
> drivers and dropped back to the default supported X.org X server display
> driver to test if the driver was the issue. Could It be a mouse driver
> issue ? In Setttings, does Mouse and Touchpad recognise your mouse?
> Dave
>  I don't have a problem with ubuntuforums but I do have a very similar
> problem with Facebook. Firefox is my main browser (currently 18.01). it
> will start off normally and I can access facebook without a problem but
> over a period of 24 hours (my PC runs 24\7) Facebook will become unusable,
> cpu usage is bouncing all over the place and scrolling is jerky. I normally
> I have to close just the Facebook tab give it a few seconds and then
> restart Facebook in a new tab. All other sites I access are OK, I have had
> this problem for about the last 4 version of Firefox that has been
> released, annoying but I just live with it.
> Tim
>  cpu usage shoots up to 80% for me on ubuntuforums, that's the only site
> (i browse a lot).
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