[xubuntu-users] FTTC setup

Neil Winchurst neilwin at drofle.co.uk
Fri Dec 20 13:16:02 UTC 2013

Fibre to the Cabinet is now available here in Holsworthy, Devon. So I 
have had a quick look at what is involved. One thing I did not expect is 
that the new modem supplied by BT must be attached to the master phone 
socket. Since that is situated just inside our front door, in a small 
entrance hall, I have a problem. I suspect that others will also find this.

At the moment I have my router and computers all set up in an upstairs 
bedroom. There is a phone extension socket here which works fine with 
ADSL. So I am wondering if anyone on this list has any experience of 
setting up FTTC, especially with regard to the siting of the master socket.

Is it simple to have the socket moved to the upstairs bedroom (where the 
extension socket is already in use)? Or should try to set up a new 
extension cable from the hallway to the bedroom in preparation? Or does 
anyone have other suggestions?



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