[xubuntu-users] network information

Steven Verner verner.steven at gmail.com
Sun Aug 18 12:58:27 UTC 2013

On 08/18/2013 08:25 AM, Norman Silverstone wrote:
>  < snip >
>> To make life easier I suggest:
>>  1. Use a Wire Connection (LAN) which is faster and much more stable.
>>  2. Tell us please what speed you have signed up with your ISP
>>  3. What www.speedtest.net <http://www.speedtest.net> is giving you?
> Thank you again for taking the trouble to help. I am following your 
> advice and searching via Google, perhaps I might find the answer 
> there. I would prefer not to use a wire connection but I will, if that 
> is the only way to get what I want.
> My broadband is supplied by wireless because the other means of supply 
> available is too slow. So, I get anything from about 5 Mbps to 10 Mbps 
> download with an upload of about 5 Mbps. I have just checked with 
> speedtest and the average of 3 readings gave 7.68 Mbps download and 
> 5.01 upload.
> It would seem that the problem I am trying to troubleshoot may be 
> caused by the interlink between computer and router and has nothing to 
> do with broadband speed.
> Norman
It seems you are looking at your hardware(and software to a lesser 
extent) to troubleshoot your internet woes.  I don't think that is the 
answer. Have you tried relocating your router?  While certainly your 
speed variance is "normal" it might be improved.  You could have a 
situation where the lines you are using may be close to a source of 
disruption, i.e. lots of electrical wires in the wall.  It may seem 
small, and usually is, but it is worth a shot.

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