[xubuntu-users] Need advice re abiword vs. libreoffice

David Gerard dgerard at gmail.com
Thu Nov 8 22:52:42 UTC 2012

On 8 November 2012 22:16, Kevin O'Gorman <kogorman at gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm running a fresh install of xubuntu 12.04.1.  I just started writing a
> document with abiword and I'm not liking the interface much -- too many
> glitches and things that get undone.
> I remember openoffice and libreoffice as being much more finished.  Is there
> a downside to switching over to libreoffice?

It's slower and fatter. But it's more feature-complete and the
developers delight in swatting bugs.

- d.

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