[xubuntu-users] thunderbird - setting up

Norman Silverstone norman at littletank.org
Tue May 22 09:02:31 UTC 2012

On Mon, 2012-05-21 at 23:19 -0400, Ric Moore wrote:
> On 05/21/2012 03:06 PM, Norman Silverstone wrote:
> > Having used Evolution since I started using Ubuntu (Warty) I decided to
> > give Thunderbird a try. So far I have been able to receive messages but
> > I am unable to send. I think that is because I cannot access the SMPT
> > server because I need to enter a password. Could some one please point
> > me to where I can do this, please?
> When it asks for the password, just enter it AFTER you check the tic box 
> to remember the password. From then on, it's automatic. Ric
Ric - I would happily do this if I were being asked for a password but I
am not. Let me explain what I have tried. On finding that I could not
send an email I went to Edit -> Account Settings -> Outgoing Server
(SMTP) -> Edit but there is nowhere there to enter a password. I must be
missing something so obvious that I cannot see it.


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