[xubuntu-users] dual boot problem

Norman Silverstone norman at littletank.org
Sat May 12 10:09:27 UTC 2012

(big snip)

> 1. If your problem is that Grub is not showing and the system boots
> staight to XP, then try changing the HDD's boot order and see what
> happens.
> 2. Otherwise, If you're sure you want to remove Xubuntu from the 2nd
> HDD and put it on the 1st HDD:
>      *make sure to back up everything from current Xubuntu AND XP
> system. 
>      *turn off the PC and with caution unplug the cable connecting the
> 2nd HDD to the motherboard or it's power cable (either of them)
>      *turn on the PC and see if it boots to XP fine.
>      *restart and install Xubuntu
>      *after the installation finishes and grub works fine, turn off
> the PC and plug the 2nd HDD back on.
>      *boot to Xubuntu, install gparted and carefully delete all the
> Xubuntu partitions in the 2nd HDD (make sure it's the correct sized
> one!)
>      *finally extend the data partition to cover the unallocated
> space.
>        good luck and be careful!

Because I am dealing with a new machine, I am reluctant to open it up in
case I invalidate the guarantee.

More research showed me that I could use the 'Disc Management' facility
available in Windows XP so, after following the instructions, I now have
a 500MB HDD with Windows XP Pro and a formatted 250 MB HDD. This time I
decided to take note of what was happening when I came to install
Xubuntu 12.04. All went well up to the point where one selects to
install alongside Windows XP Pro. Instead of giving me the choice of
partitions on the 500MB HDD I was offered the 250MB HDD instead and
there was no way to select the 500MB HDD as far as I can see.

Could someone, please, explain to me why this is happening and how can I
install Xubuntu on the same HDD as Windows XP PRO?


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