[xubuntu-users] Ubiquity crash during install

Sandy Harris sandyinchina at gmail.com
Mon Mar 5 07:15:04 UTC 2012

I have Xubuntu 11.10-i386 desktop on a fairly recent Acer
Aspire laptop. Model name not to hand, but bought only
a couple of months back. It came with a 320 G hard drive;
I installed Xubuntu & Win XP, and both worked fine.

Then I replaced the hard drive with a 64 G SSD. On the
SSD, I installed Xubuntu from a USB key, no problem.
40-odd G for /, 4 swap, 15 saved for XP.

Then I installed XP, no problem except now Xubuntu
does not boot. That does not matter in this case; I can
just re-install Xubuntu.

Try installing. I am completely certain the USB key is
the same one I used for the first Xubuntu install on the
SSD, 90+% certain it is the same as for the original
install on the hard drive. But it now fails.

I got an error message from Ubiquity several times,
reported it to bug tracker, and turned it off. Install
attempts cause the LED on the USB key to flicker
a while, then nothing.

This is not a new bug. Web search shows it, or
something very similar, has been around since

There is at least one doc bug too. Looking at the
script invoked, it uses "ubiquity --desktop" and
"man ubiquity" does not show that option.

As I write, I'm downloading the 12.04 beta to see
if the problem is fixed there.

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