[xubuntu-users] Touchpad

Shaun Marolf shaun.marolf at gmail.com
Thu Jan 12 14:15:09 UTC 2012

What I want is simple, getting it to happen -- not so much. I want to 
get my laptop to use a hot-plug event to turn off the touchpad when it 
sees my mouse plugged in. I have added the hot plug rules but they were 
written for Gnome not Xfce4.

Here are the rules:


# 61-touchpad.rules
# this rules file must be named 61* or later because it won't work
# unless it runs after '/lib/udev/rules.d/60-persistent-input.rules'
# NOTE: will only affect DISPLAY :0
# run:
#   udevadm test --action=add 
# or similar to test the following rules

# disable PS/2 touchpad on DISPLAY :0 if a mouse is added to the system
ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="input", ENV{ID_INPUT_MOUSE}=="1", 
RUN+="/bin/sh -c 'DISPLAY=:0 /usr/bin/xinput --set-prop PS/2\ Generic\ 
Mouse Device\ Enabled 0'"

# enable PS/2 touchpad on DISPLAY :0 if a mouse is removed from the system
ACTION=="remove", SUBSYSTEM=="input", ENV{ID_INPUT_MOUSE}=="1", 
RUN+="/bin/sh -c 'DISPLAY=:0 /usr/bin/xinput --set-prop PS/2\ Generic\ 
Mouse Device\ Enabled 1'"

/etc/pm/sleep.d/99touchpad (also located at /etc/pm/power.d)

# disable touchpad if more than one mouse is available
# NOTE: will only affect DISPLAY :0

     /bin/sh -c 'DISPLAY=:0 /usr/bin/xinput --set-prop PS/2\ Generic\ 
Mouse Device\ Enabled 0'

case "$1" in
         if [ `ls -d /sys/class/input/mouse* | wc -l` -gt 1 ]; then
     *) exit $NA

The following was supposed to be added to gdm config but Xubuntu uses 
another Desktop Manager and that is probably the issue:

# disable touchpad if more than one mouse is available
if [ `ls -d /sys/class/input/mouse* | wc -l` -gt 1 ]; then
     /usr/bin/xinput --set-prop PS/2\ Generic\ Mouse Device\ Enabled 0

I would really like to get this to work so any hep would be greatly 

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