[xubuntu-users] NVIDIA Driver Not There

Joshua O'Leary joshua.oleary at btinternet.com
Mon Apr 30 16:07:04 UTC 2012

On 27/04/12 23:47, Michael Comperchio wrote:
> I don't know how this happened but... I now have a 11.10 system that 
> won't run X. Now, 25 years ago, I'd have been ok with this... but 
> times change.
> I'm booted up to the Win7 side of the box so I'm paraphrasing... but 
> the logs tell me there is no NVIDIA driver available.
> I'm wondering if I do the upgrade will it install a default driver 
> that will let X run again?
> Thanks
> MIchael
You could try jockey-text -l from a console, and then jockey-text -e to 
enable one of the available drivers. 12.04 already has bug in the NVIDIA 
driver meaning that Unity doesn't start (you have to install a 
downgraded driver to fix it, although this wouldn't affect xubuntu 


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