[xubuntu-users] Official or Not?

alex ong alexong2005 at yahoo.com.sg
Wed Sep 7 07:34:10 UTC 2011

I must say Xubuntu 10.10 is a better OS than 11.04. After I upgrade 11.04 it hangs. I don't know what to do just restore from my 10.10 backup. It is a more stable platform.

--- On Wed, 7/9/11, Mihamina Rakotomandimby <mihamina at rktmb.org> wrote:

From: Mihamina Rakotomandimby <mihamina at rktmb.org>
Subject: Re: [xubuntu-users] Official or Not?
To: xubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com
Date: Wednesday, 7 September, 2011, 2:14 PM

On 08/06/2011 12:39 AM, James Freer wrote:
> Since the Xubuntu community is so small I don't really see a benefit
> to us leaving ubuntuforums.org and starting our own forums initiative.

I second that.
Plus, I personnaly "hate" Webforums. I'd rather deal with mailing lists.
Better, I love Usenet newsgroup.

So, my opinion on this is:
- Let's keep this Mailing list
- Let's stay with Web Ubuntuforums

-- RMA.

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