[xubuntu-users] Are there any Xubuntu users here?

Drmgiver drmgiver at gmail.com
Tue May 3 15:54:22 UTC 2011

One more time:  BECAUSE IT ISN'T UBUNTU!!!


On 05/03/2011 10:45 AM, Albert Wagner wrote:
> On 05/03/2011 07:57 AM, ross smith wrote:
>> I would expect find apps that fit the spirit of the derivative.
> I haven't encountered that phrase before: "the spirit of the derivative".
> What would you say is "the spirit" of Ubuntu?  Hardly lightweight, 
> being a full blown Gnome distribution.  Unity is not lightweight either.
> <snip>
>>  Xubuntu, and Xfce4 are both based around the idea of a lightweight 
>> but fully featured desktop.
> It certainly seems so.  But certainly not in  "the spirit of" Ubuntu.  
> Why did they bother to call it Xubuntu and yet leave out everything 
> remotely like Ubuntu?
>>  The apps I would expect to be included with xubuntu are lighter 
>> alternatives to those in ubuntu.
> I would certainly expect "lighter alternatives" if Xfce sat on top of 
> a CLI based derivative, but I repeat:  Why did they bother to call it 
> Xubuntu and yet leave out everything remotely like Ubuntu? 

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