[xubuntu-users] Xubuntu Community Meeting 2011-04-07 minutes
Charlie Kravetz
cjk at teamcharliesangels.com
Mon Apr 11 16:08:52 UTC 2011
== 2011-04-07 Meeting Minutes ==
=== Old Business ===
* charlie-tca to check on 11.04 docs - docs were re-written for 11.04
* charlie-tca needs to review Testing wiki pages - done; there are
still some items that need to be cleaned up, but it is mostly up to
* knome is to set up a tele-conference of some type to discuss
marketing - carried forward/after natty releases
* Charlie as Project Lead will draw up a proposal to be added the the
Xubuntu Strategy Document for choosing a new Project Lead by
community vote
* https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/StrategyDocument
=== Team updates ===
==== Packaging & Development ====
* Fixed a locale issue between gdm and xfce4-session.
* Fixed an issue with xfce4-panel's default settings, sorry for the
panel layout breakage ;-)
* Applied upstream patch to fix task grouping/dropdown button issue in
* Fixed FTBFS of xfce4-radio-plugin (port to libv4l1, testing welcome).
* Uploaded xubuntu-default-settings to fix the ugly resize/move box
for xfwm4, and xubuntu-artwork to include some icon fixes from
* Uploaded new bugfix releases for garcon (and another upload to fix a
regression found by micahg), xfce4-panel and xfce4-terminal.
* Uploaded a few minutes ago what I found in lp:xubuntu-docs (closed
32 bugs).
==== Bug Triage & Testing ====
* Beta1 testing and testing in the Global Jam uncovered a couple of
* Thanks to pleia2 for testing xubuntu specifically during the jam
* We are testing the Beta2 image next week, for release on Thursday.
==== Website & Marketing ====
* Still waiting on canonical to set up wordpress.
* Suggestion from ochosi - it would be great if the first page would
show the slideshow that is shown during installation.
==== Artwork ====
* icon-theme was updated to fix gdm, xfce-panel-plugins etc.
==== Documentation ====
* we will have updated documentation for 11.04. It might not be
perfect, but it is much better than what we have had for two
=== Announcements ===
* UDS sponsorship approvals/disapprovals went out yesterday.
* Beta 2 freeze - 4/11 (at UTC 09:00 ) - hard freeze
* Kernel freeze - 4/14
* Main/Seeded Final Freeze 14 days (4/14->4/28)
* Unseeded Universe/Multiverse Freeze - 4/26 (at UTC 12:00)
* Unseeded Universe/Multiverse Final Freeze - 2 days (4/26->4/28)
* Natty release 4/28
* Oneiric archive setup for development 4/29
* Beta 2 next week! Help with testing is always welcome
* Natty Narwhal, to be released as Xubuntu 11.04, is due out on April
=== Any Other Business ===
* Next meeting is in two weeks, April 21, #ubuntu-meeting, at 19:00
* Meeting logs are available at
=== Action items for the 2011-04-07 meeting ===
* email the ML with proposed meeting days and times, Mon, Thurs, Fri
only for days
Charlie Kravetz
Linux Registered User Number 425914 [http://counter.li.org/]
Never let anyone steal your DREAM. [http://keepingdreams.com]
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