[xubuntu-users] A pakage manager is working in tray all the time

Lee Gold leegold at operamail.com
Thu Sep 2 17:16:30 UTC 2010

Solved, thanks for the help. I didn't search enough, the answer was there. There's an option to lock out upgrades for a package in the existing GUI and I can turn-off upgrade manager in the sessions GUI. Those two things solved the problem as well as killing the process . Thanks.

On 31/08/10 11:52, Lee Gold wrote:
> Hi,
> There's a gear icon on the tray that will not go away. the tool tip 
> says "A pakage manager is working". I tried finding a process 
> running I could kill but can't find anything. How do I fix this? I 
> tried disabling automatic update notifications but it's still 
> there. How do I get rid of it? It's really annoying. Also there's a 
> distribution update that I do not want (geegie or geegle to replace 
> gqview) it of course keeps showing up as something I should update. 
> Again, I don't want it. How to I disable just that notification for 
> that app only? I want to keep the version of gqview I have as it 
> works correctly.
> Using Xubuntu 10.04
> Thanks

I managed to kill the process in 10.04. It's called update notifier, but
you need to select "view -- > all processes", in the system monitor
before you can see it. I'm not sure if you can kill it permanently
though, if you can, it will be from within the app's settings.

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