[xubuntu-users] 9.10 SSH Woes

Chris G cl at isbd.net
Thu Apr 15 18:46:04 UTC 2010

On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 02:18:11PM -0400, Tim Henderson wrote:
> It has been quite sometime since I originally wrote about this problem. 
>   I was really hoping after a few updates it would just work.  However 
> the issue is still prevalent.
> Anytime I SSH to my home computer running 9.10 there are massive delays 
> between commands.  Sometimes it takes up to a minute for my text to show 
> up.
> I have proved over and over this problem is only within 9.10.  Numerous 
> times I have fresh installed 9.04 and 9.10 and 9.04 runs smooth while 
> delays occur on 9.10.
> What could have changed between 9.04 and 9.10 to cause the networking 
> delays.  Did the Network manager, SSH version, wireless properties, 
> something else get a significant update?
Well it's not on *every* 9.10 installation.  I too use ssh extensively
and moved our systems here from 9.04 to 9.10 a while ago.  All my ssh
connections work as fast as they always did.

So whatever your problem is it's not happening on *every* 9.10 system.

Chris Green

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