[xubuntu-users] 9.10 SSH Woes

Tim Henderson bizdev at pwnspeak.com
Thu Apr 15 18:18:11 UTC 2010

It has been quite sometime since I originally wrote about this problem. 
  I was really hoping after a few updates it would just work.  However 
the issue is still prevalent.

Anytime I SSH to my home computer running 9.10 there are massive delays 
between commands.  Sometimes it takes up to a minute for my text to show 

I have proved over and over this problem is only within 9.10.  Numerous 
times I have fresh installed 9.04 and 9.10 and 9.04 runs smooth while 
delays occur on 9.10.

What could have changed between 9.04 and 9.10 to cause the networking 
delays.  Did the Network manager, SSH version, wireless properties, 
something else get a significant update?

Tim H.

On 11/25/09 06:27, Charlie Kravetz wrote:
> On Tue, 24 Nov 2009 22:59:26 -0800 (PST)
> bizdev at pwnspeak.com wrote:
>> Not exactly looking for support here.  However I have had ongoing SSH
>> issues with 9.10 since it's release.  After connecting to my Xubuntu
>> machine via SSH, things tend to lag significantly between commands.  I'll
>> type 'ls' and not receive a response for 20 seconds.  Then I won't be able
>> to type for another 20 seconds, and when I do type, only a few characters
>> are displayed before further lag.
>> To test this, I uninstalled and reinstalled from scratch...it was
>> originally an upgrade.  This had no change.  Finally I reinstalled 9.04,
>> and SSH worked beautifully as before.  Any idea why this would be or has
>> anyone else had SSH server problems?
>> Tim
> I don't have an answer, but I am using SSH without issues on Xubuntu
> 9.10. I connect to 4 systems at once with no lag times. I have to
> wonder if this is anything in the /etc/hosts file?

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