[xubuntu-users] NETWORK "ISSUE"

Steve yorvik.ubunto at googlemail.com
Tue Nov 24 19:51:46 UTC 2009

On Tue, 24 Nov 2009 19:30:01 -0000, Mischa Falkenburg  
<because_productions at myfairpoint.net> wrote:

> Hello All.
> I've sort of been "blindly" trying to figure-out some sort of home
> network setup. Using Synaptic Package Manager, and typing in the word
> "Network", and then installing various things that sorta caught my
> interest. Well, after a couple days I came to the conclusion that I was
> trying too much too soon. So, I went about Removing what I thought I
> wouldn't want for my initial "experiments". What I removed seems to have
> affected what still "works". For one thing, there is no longer a
> wireless strength indicator on the top bar of my screen...but, I seem to
> still have a connection. Also, when I try running Update Manager in the
> attempt to rectify what I've managed to do, I'll get an error message
> about something called "bacula". It seems that IT, or a portion of it,
> is not where the system is looking for it - in the /etc folder.
> Sorry this is so long. Any ideas?
> Thanks-in-advance,
> Mischa
bacula is a network backup program.

Try running
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
in a terminal, answer no when upgrade asks, and copy/paste the error  
message to the list.


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