[xubuntu-users] Need Help Finishing 9.04 Installation

David Duckslammer davidduckslammer at gmail.com
Mon Nov 9 12:35:51 UTC 2009

Start by updating from the restricted packages, then install pulseaudio
which will pull in everything else you need.

The network manager is flakey at best and wicd is a grand improvement.  I
don't understand why they picked such a worthless piece of software as the

On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 5:05 AM, Robin <dixiedancer at gmail.com> wrote:

> I am a newbie myself, but I found that I could not play mp3s until I had
> installed the xubuntu-restricted extras package. Look here
> (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu) for some advice on getting
> multimedia stuff to work.
> I am curious about why you chose 9.04 when 9.10 is available and may
> offer better support (it solved a graphics problem I had given up on
> 9.04). Mine came with most of the networking and shutdown stuff already
> in the toolbar. I have heard that the network manager called "wicd"
> works much better with most wireless connections than the default does.
> It is in the repositories and easily installed using Synaptic Package
> Manager.
> Omygosh... a newbie giving advice! 8-)
> -Robin
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