[xubuntu-users] Update-Manager package error message (WAS: Network Issue)

Jim Campbell jwcampbell at gmail.com
Wed Dec 2 23:14:09 UTC 2009

On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 7:58 PM, Mischa Falkenburg <
because_productions at myfairpoint.net> wrote:

> Steve,
> Did both tasks, and there were ZERO ERRORS in either case!!!
> Now, I'll repeat one of my earlier questions...HOW to get the wireless
> signal strength bars visible again?
> Mischa
> p.s. THANKS so much for all your help and patience
Mischa, try pressing Alt-F2 (it should bring up the xfrun4 application which
allows you to start a program or run a command by entering the program
name), and then typing "nm-applet" without the quotes.

If you have the network manager application installed, that should launch it
in the panel for you.  If it doesn't let us know.

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