[xubuntu-users] Looking for help, users and items listed.

Jim Campbell jwcampbell at gmail.com
Thu Jan 31 19:27:05 UTC 2008

I see that you are trying to build this as a community effort, but have you
received permission to use the Ubuntu trademark in your name?  Please read
the Ubuntu trademark policy [1].  If you have not received permission to use
the trademark, then you may be in violation of it as a commercial interest.


[1] http://www.ubuntu.com/aboutus/trademarkpolicy

On 1/31/08, advertising at ourbuntu.com <advertising at ourbuntu.com> wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> Please forgive me for posting to this group but I am not a fortune 500
> company with deep pockets. I simply wanted to introduce an idea to
> everyone that may give everyone even more freedom in the marketplace of
> computing.
> I got to thinking sometime back. Would it be possible to have a community
> driven computer vendor?
> Being a long time Ubuntu user. I realized that with Ubuntu/Linux on the
> rise and at a point of everyday usability for anyone and without the need
> for licensing the community driven computer vendor was possible.
> So I decided to take an auction style approach with a spin and a focus of
> Ubuntu/Linux based complete and usuable systems and allow anyone or
> company to list there inventory.
> Keeping in the spirit of OpenSource and Ubuntu I decided to keep the site
> completely free with no site fees, store fees, or closing cost fees.
> Below is our definition of a community based computer vendor.
> 1. Anyone can list their inventory of GNU/Linux based computers on our
> auction style store.
> 2. Everyones system listed is preconfigured with a complete GNU/Linux
> desktop or server OS.
> 3. Placing and fulfilling custom order systems can be achieved using the
> wanted area of our site.
> 4. Together we can provide support for and find help through our community
> based support forums.
> 5. Our advertising, popularity and success depends on all of us, our
> support and the systems we offer.
> Needless to say Ourbuntu.com has not been officially launched yet we are
> looking for help, users and items listed before going forward with the
> press release.
> Please take some time and explore the site and let me know of any
> suggestions you may have. Better still would be to register and maybe list
> of few of your computers or maybe even buy one lol.
> Thanks for reading.
> your friend
> Ronnie Whisler
> Ourbuntu.com
> P.S.
> Don't worry I won't be posting here often and didn't mean to offend
> anyone.
> If you would like to visit the site   http://www.ourbuntu.com
> --
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> xubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com
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