[xubuntu-users] (no subject)

returnCode returncode at gmail.com
Wed Jan 9 09:14:38 UTC 2008

Hallo proma

This is not strictlt the solution to problem you mention in email, but is a

If you have the posssibility to boot via USB pen drive you can use the
following guide


for creating a booting pen drive with the file of live cd of xubuntu.

I tried this type of installation for my old laptop that have no cdrom drive
and it work well.
Attention! I suggest to specified manually the partition during the
installation procedure.

I follow the automatic procedure the first time, and after the reboot I find
a "grub error 18".

The second time, I specified manually the partition during the installation
procedure and the now I have a fresh installation of xubuntu on my laptop


2008/1/8, promar at juno.com <promar at juno.com>:
> Hi,
> first off my equipment:
> fic 503+ motherboard
> amd KIII 400 MHZ processor
> 256 meg memory
> radeon 32 meg apg video card
> samsung sw232 cd/cdrw
> maxtor 40 gig drive
> maxtor 2.0 gig drive
> I downloaded xubuntu 7.10 and burned the iso image to a cd. Checksums of
> the file appeared to be ok. checksums of the burned image also appeared to
> ok. After trying various times to install from the cd, the install sometimes
> stalls at the point when its burning the kernal, and when that passes
> through it stall at the point when installing the software portion. I can
> never get past the software portion, when I do get past the kernal portion
> of the install.
> After a few tips in troubleshooting, I came to conclusion that its my
> cdrom drive that does not respond well during install.
> So my question is, how can I manage a harddrive install, by invoking the
> install process via the cdrom image? I have no internet connection where my
> computer is located.
> regards
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