[xubuntu-users] Fwd: Ubuntu Open Week - Now!!

Jim Campbell jwcampbell at gmail.com
Mon Oct 22 16:10:25 UTC 2007

Hi All,

Please see the forwarded message below* about Ubuntu Open Week.

Cody Somerville will be leading the Ubuntu Open Week session this Saturday,
so it would be great if we could make it out to show support for him (and
Xubuntu).  :-)  There are also some other sessions that users may want to
check out, so please peruse the schedule of sessions to see which ones may
be of interest to you.

Cody, if you need any help preparing for the session, please let us know.


* gmail users may need to click on a link to show the forwarded/hidden text.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Neal McBurnett <neal at bcn.boulder.co.us>
Date: Oct 22, 2007 10:58 AM
Subject: Ubuntu Open Week - Now!!
To: Ubuntu Colorado Local Community Team <Ubuntu-us-co at lists.ubuntu.com>,
loco-contacts <loco-contacts at lists.ubuntu.com>

[I didn't see this announced on any other general email list!]
[Neal McBurnett                 http://mcburnett.org/neal/]

>From http://www.jonobacon.org/

Ladies and Gentlemen, Packagers and Developers, Translators and Bug
Triagers, Advocates and Helpers, this week I am pleased to see
another Ubuntu Open Week begin, and I am raring...no, chomping at the
bit to go. It happens all this week from 3pm UTC until 10pm UTC.

42 sessions, showing how to get started contributing to Ubuntu in a
range of different areas, from packaging to development, to
translations to bug triage, to advocacy and support. This is all an
effort to make it easier to join our incredible community. Go and see
our timetable of sessions.

Want to come along? Simple, just read this page


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loco-contacts at lists.ubuntu.com
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