[xubuntu-users] Cold Boot Error (solved)

Joerg Thuemmler listen at vordruckleitverlag.de
Tue Nov 27 11:24:00 UTC 2007

Joerg Thuemmler wrote:
> Hi,
> I switched from SuSE to xubuntu (6.06) on a VIA C3 mini computer.
> When I'm booting from cold Graphic is badly started, what means:
> mouse/keyboard (ps2) are dead and graphic is 480x640x16. I never
> had this with SuSE and Windows (2000p) either although I know
> Win 98 did the same too (not on my machine, there never was a
> win 98).
> Rebooting and all is ok, but who likes a reset on every boot???
> Someone who has seen this? (My own theory is, that the method
> xubuntu is starting the framebuffer when booting meets some
> uninitialized graphic hardware, what is different, when
> re-booting.)
> Are there any suggestions ... e.g to change some boot parameter
> in grub menu...?
> thx for any help

solved now...? seems as I solved it myself:

- for the graphics 480x640: made the system
booting without splashscreen - put the option "vga=normal"
into grubs menu.lst (into the "kernel" line of xubuntu).

- for the mouse: changed it from ps2 to usb (mouse is
optical wheelmouse with usb and a ps2 adapter)

hope it's ok now.



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