[xubuntu-users] Bunch of issues after upgrade to Gutsy

hex1a4 bartek at hex1a4.net
Fri Nov 23 15:58:17 UTC 2007


I've a bunch of issues after upgrading from Feisty to Gutsy.

1) Consoles are gone, yet according to ps the gettys are running.
When I boot with the previous kernel the consoles show up but X is
blank, and when I run startx I get a message the server is already running 
on display :0.

2) Firefox crashes periodically with exit code 139.  The only time I was 
able to reproduce the crash is when visiting ubuntuforums.org.  It doesn't 
matter which profile is used or which user is running Firefox.

3) My main user account, the one I used to upgrade, works more or less 
fine, but whenever I switch X displays, regardless of what desktop it's 
running, the screen is blank and I have to open an application to see 
what's on the screen.  Sometimes refreshing the desktop or switching 
workspaces will do the trick but not always.  This does not happen on the 
main account.

4) I cannot set Nvidia settings except on the main account. On any 
other I get a message I'm not using the Nvidia X driver and should run 
nvidia-xconfig. I've run it to no avail. According to the Restricted 
Drivers Manager nvidia is running, and in xorg.conf the driver is set to 

How do I fix these problems?  Thank you.

hex1a4.net || xubuntu.mirror.hex1a4.net || art.gallery.hex1a4.net

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